Chicken legs in honey sauce

Chicken legs can be cooked deliciously in honey sauce. To prepare such dishes, it is better to choose medium-sized chilled or freshly frozen legs (chicken legs) of young chickens and natural floral honey (of course, we need some other ingredients). Tell you how you can cook chicken legs in honey sauce.

The general rule of cooking with honey

In no case should honey be subjected to heat treatment, since when it is heated above 35-40 degrees C already begin to form harmful substances (compounds furfural). In addition, when heated above 80 degrees C, honey loses all its usefulness. Therefore, all sauces with honey will be prepared in a "cold" way and pour them ready chicken legs, when they are slightly cooled - this approach can be considered as healthy as possible.

The best way to prepare chicken legs for pouring sauce is cooking in broth or steaming, baking or quenching.

Chicken legs, baked in the oven with honey-mustard sauce



First we'll make the sauce. Mix 30 ml of wine with honey, mustard and lemon juice. We add ground spices and pressed garlic through a hand press. Let the sauce persist while we bake the legs.

Thighs are cut into 2 parts, we wash the meat and baking tray with cold water. Compactly put the legs into a deep small baking tray (or ceramic mold) and slightly salted on top. Place the baking sheet (without lid) in the preheated oven. Bake at a temperature of about 200 degrees C for 40-60 minutes (readiness control visually). In the middle of the baking process it will not be superfluous to pour into the baking tray about 50 ml of light wine, beer or water.

We put the finished thighs on a serving dish, or you can immediately put them on a serving plate (with garnish). We wait for 10-20 minutes, until the meat cools down a bit, and pour the sauce (it can be filtered, although this is not necessary). We make greenery.

It is good to serve fresh vegetables and / or fruits, this can be in the form of salads. As a side dish, rice, noodles from wheat flour, potatoes, light or young string beans, polenta are the most suitable.

Similarly, you can cook fried chicken legs in honey sauce. Better use only the lower leg.

Chicken legs in honey sauce


Lightly fry the legs on medium-high heat to a pleasant golden hue in a deep frying pan on chicken overturned fat or olive oil. Then, having reduced the fire, we extinguish to the ready with the addition of wine, water or beer. Slightly cool and hot sauce (see above). Serve with garnish and herbs. It should be noted that this cooking option is slightly less healthy than baking. Not a bad option - fry the legs (shins and hips) on an open fire on the grate (gratar, barbecue, barbecue, in any case, better than the pan).

Chicken legs in soy-honey sauce in Pan-Asian style

Chicken legs (drumsticks and / or chopped thighs) are baked or fried and fried in a pan (can be sesame oil) or on a grate. You can cook it.

Sauce is prepared from authentic products characteristic for the Asia-Pacific region.



Mix all the ingredients of the sauce in free proportions and water the chicken legs prepared in one way or another. As a side dish, we use rice, young beans, rice or buckwheat noodles . It is possible to add avocado or mango, plum and other fruits to the sauce, as well as local traditional sauces.