Bread with bran

Did you know that in wheat flour of the highest grade, bran is not contained. And they are very useful for the body, contain a huge amount of fiber and perfectly cope with the normalization of the intestine, improve blood circulation. Let's leave for a while biscuit cakes and buns with sugar and cook bread with bran, which, in addition to being useful, also has a wonderful taste.

How to cook bread from bran?

Most often, bread with bran is prepared by leaps and bounds. But some do not like yeast baking because of the fact that it simply does not fit the body. You can bake bread without leavening with bran with the use of leaven, prepared by yourself. Of course, the time to cook bread with bran on the leaven will take more, but the plus is that the ferment itself can be stored in the refrigerator.

How to cook bread with bran without yeast? First we'll make a leaven. To do this, mix 100 g of flour and 100 g of water, mix thoroughly, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for a day to wander. The next day, add another 100 g of flour, add water, the consistency of the ferment should resemble sour cream. And again for a day we send to a warm place. On the third day, once again, "feed" flour and water and put to wander. When the mass is doubled, we send half to the refrigerator (in a jar with a lid in which there are holes to let the leaven "breathe") - it can be stored, and the second half is taken in order to bake bread with bran without yeast. You should leave about 9 tbsp. spoons of leaven for 500 g of flour. A recipe for bread with bran, you can take any of those that are written below. The yeast is used instead of yeast.

Wheat bread with bran



We connect bran with sifted flour and dry yeast. Milk is mixed with water and slightly heated. Then, from the third part of the flour mixture, sugar and milk with water, knead the dough. Cover it with a towel and put it for about an hour in a warm place. When the dough increases in volume, add the rest of the flour with bran, butter, mix the ingredients well and knead the dough. We let him stand for another 40 minutes in a warm place and put it in a form greased with vegetable oil. The dough should rise in the form, after that we send it to the preheated oven (200 degrees). Bread with bran is baked in the oven to a ruddy crust.

You can also use wheat flour instead of rye and prepare rye bread with bran, taking the recipe above for the basis. Rye or wheat - the choice is yours.

Bread with bran in a multivark



We mix all the ingredients thoroughly, gradually adding water and flour. Flours do not necessarily go exactly as much as specified in the recipe, orient yourself on the consistency of the test. Bottom and sides of pan multivarka grease with vegetable oil and spread the dough. We set the "Proof" mode for 1 hour and 20 minutes, then set the "Baking" mode and the timer for 60 minutes. Homemade bread with bran must be cooled in the form of a multivark, then take it out and enjoy fresh and healthy baking.