Black currant sauce

Recently, unsweetened and sharp sauces prepared on the basis of fruits or berries are especially popular. Among them, blanks of cranberries, red currants, cowberries, gooseberries, as well as viburnum and many more. Each of them finds his faithful admirers who refuse other sauces in his favor.

The proposed recipes will especially please the admirers of black currant, as we will prepare the sauce from it.

Black currant sauce for meat - recipe



In the saucepan spread butter butter, let it melt, then lay sugar granules and pre-washed currant berries. Pour in purified water and dry red wine and after boiling with frequent stirring let the mixture for five minutes. Now we add peppermint, pepper and a little salt, we sustain the sauce on fire for another ten seconds, and then we remove it from the plate and when the mass is a little cool, we interrupt it with a blender.

We rub the basis of the sauce from the currant through a strainer and let it cool completely and thicken.

Spicy black currant sauce for the winter



Currant for making sauce should be by far the ripe. We sort out the berries, rinse them thoroughly and, if necessary, cut off the existing peduncles.

Fill the prepared black currant with water and put it on the stove. After a full boil, throw a pea in a container of sweet pepper. Cook the contents of the vessel for fifteen minutes, and then let it cool down a bit and grind it through a strainer, separating the skins, pits and peas.

To the resulting currant puree, add sugar, lay the peeled and chopped small pod of hot pepper, pour the ground coriander and sweet paprika. We dispose of the mass on fire and boil for fifteen minutes.

After a while, we pour the billet on dry and sterile vessels, seal it tightly, allow it to cool down, and move it to storage for other billets.

Sweet and sour black currant sauce - recipe with tomatoes and garlic



To prepare the sauce, we initially need two saucepans or a scoop. In one of them we lay out the washed and washed currant berries and pour in red semi-dry wine, and in another washed and cut into pieces tomatoes. We give the contents of both vessels to boil and cook with periodic stirring for fifteen minutes. After that, both currants and tomatoes are grinded through a strainer, we combine both purees in one saucepan, we let boil and boil a little more until the desired texture.

At the end of the cooking, we add peeled and grated garlic teeth, throw the ground black and hot pepper, pour in the sugar, pour in soy sauce, warm the mixture for a minute and remove it from the plate. After the sauce has cooled and refreshed, you can use it to complement your favorite dishes.