Lush pancakes with burger

Fluffy fritters can be cooked on any basis, observing the correct proportions and a certain algorithm of actions when preparing the dough. But they are especially gentle and airy on a fermented woman.

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Chicken eggs are mixed with granulated sugar and whisked with a corolla until a uniform consistency and dissolution of sweet crystals. Then we pour in the fermented biscuit, add vanilla or vanillin to taste, pour the previously sieved flour and mix until the flour balls are completely dissolved. We clean the apples, remove the core with seeds, pass through a large grater and add to the cooked dough. Food soda is quenched with 9 percent table vinegar, we put it together with apples and mix well.

We fry the pancakes traditionally - on a frying pan heated with vegetable oil without a smell with a thick bottom on both sides to rudeness and readiness.

To such pancakes, sour cream, honey or jam is perfect.

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Eggs are broken with sugar using a mixer or fork until the sweet crystals dissolve, mixed with a preheated water bath or in a microwave oven with fermented milk, throw a pinch of salt, vanilla sugar and mix. In a separate container we sift wheat flour, add dry yeast and mix. We connect the dry and liquid base and break it up until the flour balls are completely dissolved. Determine the dishes with the test, covered with a towel, or clean cloth in a warm place. The ideal option is a warmed up little oven or capacity with warm water.

When the dough grows in volume approximately twice, without mixing, we start baking pancakes.

We impose a little dough on a heated frying pan using a table spoon and brown the products from both sides.