Burdock root for hair

Beautiful, healthy, strong hair is the pride of any woman. But not everyone can boast of chic locks. Many are worried about such problems as: excessive loss of them, lack of brilliance and vitality.

Burdock root from hair loss

Stresses, illnesses, malnutrition - all this can provoke hair loss. Of course, first you need to diagnose the cause of the phenomenon, and then start to eliminate it. In pharmacies, a large number of various products for hair care are sold. But most of them are based on herbal decoctions and infusions. Therefore, it is not necessary to purchase another miracle mask or super-balm, you can just experiment at home. So, bring the hair in order will help the burdock. Find it very simply: on the lawn, in the park, in the forest.

It turns out that this is not a useless weed, but an amazingly useful medicinal plant, highly respected in folk medicine. If near the place of your residence there are no ecologically clean zones, then dry raw materials can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Burdock root for hair: rinsing

To prevent hair loss and treatment of hair, a wonderful tool is to rinse hair with burdock root. To do this, you need to make a decoction of 20-30 g finely chopped roots of burdock and a glass of boiling water. All this should be cooked about 8-10 minutes, cool. The broth can be applied to the hair by actively treating the head. It is recommended to do the procedure after each hair wash.

From the root of burdock, you can make a mask that will fight against hair loss . It will help to forget about the problem. Prepare it simply: you need to pour 20 g of crushed roots with boiling water (1 cup) and cook until reduced in volume in half. Then add the preheated fat to the broth and put it on the water bath for 1-2 hours. This mask can be applied to the scalp 1-2 times a week.

To make your hair thicker, you do not need to spend a lot of money, effort, it's only necessary to turn to Mother Nature, as our grandmothers once did. And each of us could envy their smart braids.

Burdock root for strengthening hair

Prevention is always better than treatment. If you notice that your hair has become duller, "tired", quickly get dirty, then it may be worth permeating them with vitamins and helping to buy the former luxurious look. And again, the burdock will come to your aid. Oils, infusions, compresses, decoctions - that only does not offer folk medicine.

It will help to strengthen hair compress, prepared from 1 tsp of juice of onion, burdock oil, honey and usual shampoo. All this is mixed, rubbed into the scalp, aged for about 30-40 minutes. This mask perfectly nourishes the bulbs and hair. With regular use it gives a tremendous effect.

For rinsing hair, you can prepare a decoction of burdock and araus (ratio 1: 1). To the traditional broth from the grass, you can add cognac (1 part of cognac, 4 parts of broth). You can combine burdock and nettle. Do not forget about burdock oil. It is sold in departments with cosmetics, but also prepared quite simply: raw olive oil, persist for 24 hours, filter, cook for 15-20 minutes, and use it for health.

Burdock is a guaranteed folk remedy proven for centuries to heal the head of hear. You can use all parts of this plant, as they are all rich in minerals, trace elements, vitamins necessary for good hair growth.