Injury of the eye

Vision allows a person to navigate well in space and to perceive information. Damage or trauma to the eye can lead to a deterioration in the work of this organ or even complete blindness, especially if the integrity of the structural components of the eyeball is impaired.

Types of eye trauma

By type of damaging factor:

Often patients treat combined injuries combining several of the above factors.

In addition, eye damage is classified by the degree of damage to the structure of the eye and the violation of visual functions in this case.

Injury of the eye - first aid

It should be remembered that any measures to provide first emergency care should be done only with clean hands and sterile gauze napkins.

In the case of chemical burns , immediately flush with a copious amount of cool running water and deliver the victim to the hospital. You can not dig in any drops, use local medications, since they may contain components that will react with chemicals.

After a normal burn, you should apply ice or a cold compress to your eyes. It is advisable to limit the blinking, so it is also recommended to cover the damaged organ with a clean cloth or bandage. Frostbite of the eye does not require special first aid measures, it is necessary to deliver a person to the department of ophthalmology as soon as possible.

Damage to the ionizing rays greatly increases the risk of subsequent blindness, therefore, in the first few hours after the injury it is important to limit visual activity and immediately call a doctor.

Mechanical eye injury requires the following measures:

If such damage is accompanied by the ingress of a foreign body, it must be carefully removed with a clean cloth and then rinsed thoroughly with running water. In addition, you can drip anti-inflammatory eye drops in case of eye trauma, for example, Albucidum or Albumin. If you do not have such tools at hand, they are replaced with green tea (hard-boiled).

Injury of the eye - treatment

The therapeutic scheme for eye damage is developed according to the severity of the injury and the factor that caused it. For the most part, anti-inflammatory and resorptive drops, ointments and other topical preparations are prescribed, which prevent the spread of infection and eliminate hemorrhages, hematomas.

If, in addition to the eye itself, ruptured sections of the eyelids and orbits and broken the integrity of the bones, the surgical treatment of the wounds obtained, the comparison of fragments.

In case of damage to the eyeball of a penetrating nature, the foreign body is extracted operatively. Only after this, it is possible to begin treatment and restore vision.

Injury of the cornea of ​​the eye - treatment

The cornea is the surface of the eyeball, which performs protective functions. When it is damaged, so-called erosions - scratches, microscopic ruptures. Most often, the injury of the cornea does not require special treatment, and the envelope heals independently. More serious violations of its integrity suggest such therapy:

  1. To put behind the eyelid anti-inflammatory ointments (Floxal, tetracycline ointment).
  2. Bury during the day keratoprotectors (Oxial, Systemin).
  3. At night, use drugs that restore epithelial tissue (Oftagel, Vidisik).