How to donate money for an anniversary to a woman?

The ability to give gifts is a certain art. If on the anniversary of the idea for a gift was not found, you can resort to the classic option - to donate money for a birthday in an original way. Such a gift can also be presented cheerfully, unexpectedly and beautifully.

How to donate money to a girl?

For women, a unique gift can be a bouquet of bills, which you can prepare yourself with adhesive tape and wire. Or cut out butterflies from colored cardboard, make two notches on the fold and put a bill folded into a tube. Fasten butterflies with wire and scotch tape and cute gift birthday girl ready.

The monetary surprise can be twisted and laid in an empty washed tube of lipstick, presented to the girl with a smile, advising to correct the makeup so that she immediately discovered the present.

It is original and unusual to give money in a box from under sweets, to curtail bills and as beautifully wrapped in candy wrappers, tying "candies" from two sides with ribbons.

Looks great, folded in a high cake. You need to turn the money into rings and set it in a circle. Make two tiers, each band tie a bow and the entire structure, too, to fix a beautiful gift ribbon.

Colorfully will look wrapped bills, which are placed inside the balloons. There, for decoration, you can add festive sparkles and confetti.

How else can you give an original gift to a woman for an anniversary? With the help of beads and ribbon, you can make money beads. From each denomination, make an accordion, tie it with a ribbon and fasten it with beads.

From the most classical gift you can, having shown a fantasy, make an original surprise and surprise the birthday girl, who is sure to be pleased with such attention.