How to overcome the fear of driving a car to a novice and an experienced driver?

It often happens that graduates of a driving school do not rush to get behind the wheel, because they do not know how to overcome the fear of driving a car. The fault is the fear of a big road, the endless flow of other cars and other things. Without the instructor's advice, the novice driver is left to himself and is forced to cope with phobias independently and overcome them.

Fear of driving - the view of a psychologist

Experiences of novice motorists can not be called baseless, because a car is a means of increased danger. However, even minor things can cause discomfort, because human phobias are individual. Knowing the problem in person is the first step in eliminating it. Before you ask yourself how to overcome the fear of driving a car, you need to realize what exactly is the source of concern. From the point of view of psychology, there are several reasons for fear of driving:

How to overcome the fear of driving a car?

Among the numerous phobias there is one that is very difficult to overcome: the fear of driving the car in principle. It arises from the subconscious feeling that a car can become uncontrollable and move "on its own". People attribute to technology properties and opportunities, which are not, humanize it. Hence the fear of losing control of the car, fear of oncoming cars and pedestrians. By eliminating one of the problems, a person working on himself automatically eliminates another.

How to overcome the fear of driving a car to a newcomer?

Fear of driving a car occurs in all people, regardless of their age, sex and length of service. But still, the novice drivers are more likely to panic. They are not accustomed to the dimensions of the car, do not know how to behave in bad weather conditions (ice, snow, rain), just "did not roll" the clock. The driver, who has no experience, and who does not know how his "iron horse" works, can not feel comfortable during the movement. Practical exercises help to correct the situation, the more, the better. In the process, nervousness will go away by itself.

Fear of driving in the city

Bound behavior at the wheel can occur when the driver is uncertainly surrounded by other cars. You can easily drive a car on a deserted road thousands of kilometers and get into a dead end, trying to park in a crowded street. Again, the reason is ignorance of its size and inexperience. A knowledgeable motorist makes decisions based on reflexes: quickly switches gears, reduces speed, easily finds a place in the parking lot and gets into the general flow in a circular motion. The beginner takes much more time.

A panic-stricken person does not know how to overcome the fear of driving a car, and simply refuses to get behind the wheel. And the problem, on the contrary, is solved in another way: you need to drive as often as possible. First, simple routes are built and selected (for example, to the nearest store), each time the time spent driving is increased. You can start the practice on a day off, when there are few cars and pedestrians on the road, nothing prevents the movement. Increasing the skill, you need to gradually move on to difficult lessons: to go out at night, in the rain and snow.

Fear of driving in winter

One of the most common questions facing novice motorists: how to overcome the fear of driving a car in the winter? Here the same method of active practice is effective. With a snow-covered road, the wheels interact differently, and this again must be felt. In order to avoid unpleasant and dangerous situations, training should be done in the wasteland, and, of course, do not forget about winter tires. When leaving for the city, on the "insidious winter road" it is important to pay special attention to the ascent and descent, the sections near public transport stops, slippery intersections.

How to overcome the fear of driving after an accident?

The case when practice does not always help - the fear of driving after an accident. Specificity of this problem - it is necessary to overcome the psychological barrier that has arisen after the accident. The driver, caught in an accident, is afraid to get behind the wheel to again not cripple himself and someone not to maim. A man needs a lot of psychological effort. The most difficult thing is to overcome oneself. Usually after the first departure, fear begins to recede and gradually leaves for good, but here it is important not to force yourself. It is better to try another time, if confidence is not increased.

If the driver of the car for some reason postpones the use of his iron horse for an indefinite period, there is a presence of phobias. Do not delay the process of returning to the management of TP. If the practice, self-hypnosis and support of relatives do not help, and a person does not know how to overcome the fear of driving a car, it makes sense to seek qualified help from an experienced instructor.