Cabbage - growing and care

Cabbage is difficult to attribute to unpretentious crops. It is rather demanding to humidity and watering, as well as light. But this does not stop the truckers who have already gotten used to, and behind their backs have a whole list of cabbage cultivation tricks.

Technology of cultivation of white cabbage

So, let's consider the list of basic requirements and possible problems that you will encounter when growing white cabbage:

  1. It all begins with the cultivation of white cabbage seedlings. Early varieties are boldly launched in March, to work with varieties with later maturation dates begin around April. Plant the seeds with soil, poured into boxes, and germinate at a temperature of not less than 17 ° C in good lighting conditions. After emergence of shoots, it is lowered to 15 ° C and then waiting for the appearance of the first two real sheets before diving. When growing and caring for white cabbage seedlings, it is important to constantly monitor the humidity and not overdry the soil.
  2. Cultivation of white cabbage is allowed only in the corner of the garden, where cabbage representatives did not grow up to it. The most important thing is to ensure a balance of moisture. Overdried soil will kill seedlings, and too much moisture will lead to cracking of the formed heads of cabbage.
  3. To successfully grow and care for cabbage, culture should be maintained at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. If it's cool for a couple of days, nothing will happen, but four cold days will lead to blooming earlier than expected, which directly affects the formation of the head.
  4. Diseases of white cabbage are the result of improper irrigation and neglect of the basic rules of cultivation. Among diseases of white cabbage, gardeners usually face gray rot and powdery mildew, aphids and weevils. Of course, the use of chemistry in such cases is inevitable, but it is worth trying to prevent these difficulties. Never plant cabbage more than four times in one place, and also try to avoid preparations from infusions on the basis of plants.