What to cook from sorrel?

Spicy acidity, inherent in sorrel, makes it indispensable for creating a variety of interesting and varied dishes. Today we will tell you what you can cook from sorrel and offer several recipes with his participation.

How to make soup from sorrel and egg?



Initially, we put the meat to boil. Pork or beef ribs are rinsed, cut into portions and dipped into a boiling water heated to boiling. Let the contents of the pan boil again, removing the foam, then reduce the pan under the pan, cover the container with a lid and cook the contents for an hour and a half.

Now we clear the potatoes, cut the vegetables into cubes and dip them into broth to the meat. We also add salt, peppercorns and laurel leaves. After boiling, cook the dish for ten minutes. During this time we boil hard-boiled and clean the eggs, and also pass the onions in a frying pan with refined oil, chopped onion and carrot straws beforehand. Sorrel is washed thoroughly and milled medium-sized.

We lay a roast of vegetables and sorrel to potatoes with meat, try the food for taste and, if necessary, podsalivaem and pepper. After a couple of minutes, we remove the vessel from the plate and give another ten minutes to brew.

When serving, pour soup with sorrel in a bowl, in each of them we put one rib, half a boiled egg and a spoonful of sour cream. We also supplement the dish with fresh herbs.

How to cook pie with sorrel?



Preparing such a pie is incredibly fast, and the result is simply stunning. Sorrel washed well, dried on a towel and cut into small pieces, beforehand, removing the leaves from stiff stems.

Eggs are processed to a dense foam with a mixer, pouring sugar in the process and achieving the dissolution of all its crystals. We now mix in the egg sweet mass sifted flour and cognac.

Prepared sorrel we put on the bottom of the oiled container for baking and we fill the leaves with dough. It remains only to wait for the preparation of the pie in the oven heated to 185 degrees and its cooling. When using a mold with a diameter of 26 cm, it takes thirty minutes to bake the product. Before serving, turn the product from the mold to a dish and rub it with sugar powder.

How to cook a cold from sorrel?



From fresh sorrel, you can also cook a low-calorie, incredibly refreshing and terrific delicious cold. To do this, you just need to boil hard, clean and cut small cubes of chicken eggs and prepare properly fresh vegetables and greens. To do this, the sorrel is washed and cut into small pieces, previously removing the leaves from the stems. Green onions and sprigs of dill are also rinsed and cut into small pieces. Shinkuem also cubes washed cucumbers and radish. We connect all the ingredients in a saucepan, season with sour cream, add water, bring the food to taste with salt and if necessary add a little to taste of citric acid.