Maria Menusos underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor

The Menusos family is going through a difficult period: a daughter, a well-known actress and TV presenter Maria Menusos, suffered a seven-hour operation to remove a tumor in the brain a month ago, and her mother Litsa struggles with the fourth stage of brain cancer.

Maria, despite her well-being, gave an interview to People magazine and told how she fights for her health. The star of the entertainment channel E! received a proposal to hold a photo session with her mother, which she, of course, did not refuse. On Maria's assurances, the shooting gave them both unforgettable moments of happiness.

Maria Menusos with Mom Litsey

The TV presenter admitted that she did not expect to hear such a terrible diagnosis, although it became known at that time that Mary's mother confirmed oncology and diagnosed glioblastoma of the fourth stage.

You know, the news that I had a huge tumor the size of a golf ball in my head caused me a hysterical laugh. Tear was not there. First my mother and her diagnosis - brain cancer, now I am. Nobody could assume that this will happen to us. The first symptoms I noticed at work: headaches, dizziness, problems with speech and attention, I could not read the text from the teleprompter.

The tumor was discovered in April this year and immediately appointed an operation for June, chose the eighth number - a landmark for the presenter, because it's her birthday!

Everything went well, I really was born again! The doctor warned me that the probability of returning the tumor is, so I must remember about these 6-7 percent of 100 and take care of myself. Now I recover after the operation, no matter how seven hours it lasted! While there are minor problems with coordination, but close people help me, next to Kevin, who is ready to immediately support! Sensitivity of the face, too, is not fully restored, but the doctor says that there is a positive dynamics! Every day for me is a struggle and, I am sure, I will soon be able to return to my usual, full life.
Cover new number

Next to Maria is now not only close, but also a civil husband Kevin Andergaro, with whom she has been leading since 1998. Last year he made an offer, but because of problems in the family, now about the wedding it does not go.

As it is not strange, but I believe that my illness is a blessing ... We often neglect our health, do not listen to it. Many women think of loved ones, but not of themselves! I was lucky that I realized on time that what was happening to me was abnormal and turned to the clinic. Fortunately, it's not too late.
Maria and her lover Kevin Andergaro
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Now Maria does not work, but with great warmth she talks about the channel and colleagues:

The last three years I dedicated channel E! and is very thankful to the whole talented team for their work and joint projects! They are all amazing, kind and have become my second family, especially my co-host Jason Kennedy. I really miss them.

Maria Menusos thanked her fans for their support, for the wishes of health to her and her mother Lietz. The 39-year-old presenter is confident that she will soon be able to return to work and hopes for her mother's recovery.