Late menopause

The average age of a woman, when the process of extinction of the childbearing function begins, ranges from 45 to 55 years. If menopause occurs during this period, it is considered the norm. In cases, when age changes make themselves felt after 55 years, you can talk about the late menopause.

What is late menopause?

So, we found out that menopause is called late if hormonal restructuring begins at the age of 55 years. Often, late menopause in women indicates the presence of diseases in the reproductive system ( fibroids of the uterus , cancer and others). However, this is only a chance - very often the age at which the menopause begins is predisposed genetically, as a consequence of late maternal climax. Also, menopause can begin later as a result of radiotherapy, surgical interventions, gynecological diseases with ovarian, uterine, or breast dysfunction.

Therefore, if the menopause is late, but you regularly visit the gynecologist and are confident in your health, there is no reason for concern. Since the late menopause in women has several advantages:

However, the late menopause has negative aspects such as:

Whatever the climax is, late or early, it is inevitable anyway. Therefore, it is extremely important to take care of your health, listen attentively to your condition, lead an active lifestyle and treat such changes as a natural process during this period.