The recipe for casting from chokeberry

Rowan is a popular fruit plant that grows in our country and has been used for a long time as a medicine. Unlike red, the black-berry - native to America, well feels in our climate and brings a good harvest every year. It is perfect for making all kinds of fillings with a delightful ruby ​​color. Let's look at some ways with you how to make homemade pour from rowan.

Pouring of black chokeberry on vodka



To prepare the liqueur from the aronia, berries are rid of twigs and leaves, rinsed in cool water and dried on a towel. A clean, pre-prepared jar is filled with berries on "hangers", periodically shaking it to get more. Then fall asleep with sugar and pour almost vodka to the top, leaving about 2 centimeters to the neck, because during fermentation the berries will rise slightly and they will need extra space. Now we close the jar with a triple layer of parchment, tightly tied or covered with a dense capron cap. We leave the pouring in a dark cool place for at least 2 months, putting the container in a cellar or refrigerator. After the specified time, we filter the drink into new beautiful bottles and close tightly. We store the filling in the refrigerator. It differs from the purchased, fine bitter-astringent taste and pleasant aroma.

Recipe for liqueur from rowan without alcohol



We wash the washed and processed berries with a spoon and cover it with sugar in a glass bottle. Then cover the container with gauze and put it for 1.5 months in a warm place. Do not forget to mix the mountain ash every day with a wooden spatula. At the end of the fermentation process, the ready-to-pour is filtered through dense gauze, poured into bottles and we forget about the drink for about 3 months. After that, the liqueur is ready for consumption and tasting.

Home made of black chokeberry



We take ripe berries of aronia, sort it out, wash it and dry it on a baking sheet in the oven at a low temperature. Then we put the berries in a clean bottle, pour them up to the vodka and let the drink stand until a saturated dark amber color is obtained. After that, filter the drink and put a little sugar for sweetness.

The recipe for casting from the black-berry liqueur



Berries of mountain ash and cherry leaves cook for 15 minutes in water. Then, without squeezing, strain the broth through gauze. To get the original taste, throw a little vanilla, put the citric acid and pour sugar. Supporting the boil, let's stand on a small fire for about 5 minutes. Dilute the cooled liquid with vodka, mix it, pour it into glass containers, and block it.

Pouring out black ashberry



To prepare the filling, wash all ingredients, pour water and cook on low heat for 30 minutes. Then let the broth cool down, filter, pour sugar into it, throw the lemon juice and mix it. In cold pouring we pour in vodka and insist the drink for about 2 months.