Spastic constipation - symptoms and treatment

Disorder of bowel function is often the result of a malfunction in the regulation of the nervous system in the absence of organic disorders, that is, the cause of spasmodic constipation can be a nervous breakdown or a constant emotional stress. Spasm, which has arisen in any place of the colon, makes it difficult to move the slag masses. At the same time, a person feels discomfort, his health worsens, his working capacity decreases.

Symptoms of spastic constipation

Delayed defecation with intestinal spasms occurs periodically, while constipation can be replaced by diarrhea. Clinic manifestations of spastic constipation is this:

Treatment of spastic syndrome

Treatment of spastic constipation in adults is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and the causes of its occurrence. The patient is recommended to take spasmolytic (relaxing) drugs:

Some antispasmodics, for example, Papaverine, along with the tablet form is released as injectable solutions and rectal suppositories.

To soften stool we should take docusate sodium. With prolonged constipation, it is desirable to combine the drug with laxative enemas .

When spastic constipation is used to eliminate nervous tension, drugs with a mild sedative effect (tinctures of valerian, peony, etc.) are used.

Treatment of spastic syndrome with folk remedies

Among the effective means used for spastic constipation are phytonastas prepared at home. Here are the recipes for the most effective folk remedies:

  1. Pour three tablespoons of linen into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. The infusion is consumed after each meal of 70-80 ml at a time.
  2. One tablespoon of a mixture of seeds of dill and fennel pour a glass of steep boiling water, let it brew. With intestinal spasms, take 100 ml of infusion.
  3. Mix 15 grams of dry St. John's wort, 15 grams of plantain, 15 grams of sage, 10 g marshweed and 5 g of mint. One teaspoon of herbal mixture to brew in a glass of boiling water. Constantly drain and take 1/3 cup three times a day.