Rules of behavior for the brought up children

The main task of each parent is to raise his child as a worthy citizen of the society. In every society there are norms of behavior, of course, the basic requirements are practically the same for all peoples, but there may be some peculiarities. Nobody wants to blush for your child, so we will try to consider the basic rules of behavior for educated children in Slavic society.

What does it mean to be educated?

In order to examine the rules of behavior, it is necessary to get acquainted with the concept of upbringing, and what is meant by the phrase "educated child". Education - is the instilling in your child of certain patterns of behavior in society in different situations. Accordingly, a well-educated child is considered one who adheres to these norms.

Rules for the brought up children

The elementary rules of behavior include the following:

For each situation, there are different norms of behavior.

  1. So, for example, in the street the child should go near mum, loudly not to talk, do not poke a finger in passers-by people and observe SDA - traffic rules.
  2. In transport, you do not need to run, you need to give way to older people and pregnant women.
  3. In the store, you should be calm and without the permission of your mother you can not take anything from the windows, because before you take the goods, you should pay for it.
  4. The child should be explained that adults should be respected and called them "You."

Thus, we have considered the main points, but not the entire list of rules of behavior for children who have been brought up. The main thing is to better educate your child, you need to instill in your own example the universal norms of behavior.