How to teach a child to write?

Often parents are surprised why their seemingly incredibly capable kid writes letters at random. Undoubtedly, every loving mother wants her child to have a beautiful and neat handwriting. Meanwhile, to teach the crumb to extract letters evenly - the task is really difficult and painstaking.

In this article, we'll talk about how to teach a child how to write words cleanly and accurately, and which skills should be given special attention.

What should I look for before I start training?

Before you teach a kid exactly and beautifully put letters in words on a sheet of paper, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to prepare a work place for the child , corresponding to his age and growth. The correct posture at the time of writing is a pledge of a smooth and neat handwriting.
  2. Next, the baby needs to explain how to properly hold the handle. Most of the children from the very early age begin to depict scribbles, while holding a pen or pencil is not how it should be. It is this that forms in the future a stable habit of incorrectly holding a pen in his hand, and, consequently, sloppiness in writing.
  3. Finally, the most difficult thing is to teach the child to confidently coordinate the movements of his arm, forearm, shoulder and fingers. This skill is acquired through daily painstaking training.

How to teach a child to write correctly?

The most important thing in this difficult matter is to have patience. Learning a beautiful and accurate letter - the process is far from rapid and requires an enormous effort, both as a student and as a teacher. First of all, the child needs to explain why you are doing all this, so that the desire to deal with it comes from him.

It is not necessary to demand from the kid the impossible, you must take into account his individual characteristics. Someone will need a week to form a literate handwriting, and some will need a few months, which is perfectly normal.

It is also not necessary to overdo it in your endeavor - short enough (for 15-30 minutes), but daily lessons. During the training, do not let the child get bored, try to build classes in the form of a fun game.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly develop fine motor skills, using various elements of finger games and special educational toys.

How to teach a child to write in words if he is left-handed?

Learning a literate left-hander has its own characteristics. A left-handed child must always hold the handle higher than the right-hander, approximately 4 cm from the tip of the rod. The workplace for the left-hander should also be organized slightly differently: the beam of light during the writing should fall to the right.

With the left-handed child it is necessary to be engaged even more carefully, than with the right- handed child . Each letter will have to be prescribed several times, paying close attention to every dash the kid spends. During the classes, each movement should not only be slowly and patiently shown, but it is also necessary to explain with words what exactly the child should get.