What should I take at the first sign of a cold?

With the onset of the very first colds, very many people notice signs of a cold. Let's try to figure out how to stop the disease and what to take at the first sign of a cold.

Effective measures

Before treating a cold, it is important to make sure that the symptoms that appear appear to be heralds of colds, not other, more serious diseases. If there is drowsiness, chills, headache, aches in the joints and a slight increase in body temperature, then you should not delay treatment, but you need to react quickly to stop the disease at the beginning and not allow it to spread further.

Many decide what to drink at the first sign of a cold - pills or folk remedies. It is not necessary to take medications. It's enough just to drink more. It can be tea made from chamomile, linden, with lemon or raspberry jam. Very effective broth of dogrose and compote of dried fruits.

The following recommendations will help prevent a cold at the outset:

  1. Regular airing of the room.
  2. Bed rest in the first 1-2 days.
  3. Gargling.
  4. Rinsing of the nose with warm salt solutions. Effective are Salin and Aquamaris.
  5. Inhalations with essential oils.
  6. Injection of leukocyte interferon into the nose. You can use Derinale drops instead.

Medications to fight against colds

A cold is a viral illness. And many already know that it is better to take an antiviral agent at the first sign of a cold. In no case should you start taking antibiotics that are powerless against the virus. It is mandatory to take funds to strengthen immunity and vitamins.

They recommended themselves as excellent antiviral drugs Arbidol and Kagocel. They are characterized by fast action, good tolerance and low toxicity. More effective in fighting viruses is rimantadine, but it has quite a few side effects. It restores the immunity of Grosrinosine, Citovir-3 and Immunal well.

In order to know exactly what medicine to take at the first sign of a cold, you need to consult a doctor. Moreover, different drugs can have the same basic component. You can not mix several types of drugs. Otherwise, it is threatened with an overdose and can cause severe damage to the liver.

If you still decide to buy medications for yourselves at the pharmacy for a cold, read the instructions carefully and read all the indications and possible contraindications.

If you do not know at the first signs of a cold what to take, better medications should be agreed with a doctor or using traditional medicine. This, at least, is safe.

Traditional medicine against colds

Traditional medicine helps the body to cope with colds. If even while the throat does not hurt, but only a slight perspiration and dryness is felt, it is necessary to start inhalation and rinsing.

For inhalations, you can use 5 drops of fir oil, 1 teaspoon of onion juice or 10 drops of iodine. Gargle is recommended by decoction of chamomile, sage or calendula.

With a cold, Echinacea can be used as an immunomodulator. This plant does not allow microbes to activate and spread. Preparations from echinacea significantly increase the antibacterial and antiviral protection of the body.

From the common cold you can get rid by digging into the nose warm sea-buckthorn or olive oil.

Not the least role is played by nutrition. With the first symptoms of a cold, you should limit your meals and drink as much as possible. It can be tea, water, compote, herbal medicinal herbs, juices, mineral water. Food should consist mainly of vegetable and fruit salads, light soups and broths.