The dog's hair crawls, what should I do?

The wool cover of our pet can tell a lot about his health. In a normal state, depending on the age of the dog, the coat may be soft or coarse, but necessarily shiny and dense. The quality is influenced by such factors as nutrition, heredity and living conditions. The period of molting , when the dog is covered with wool, is perceived calmly by any owner, and the question of what to do usually appears only at the moment when the process is delayed.

Possible causes of hair loss in dogs

  1. Power . Malnutrition or monotonous food necessarily lead to a lack of minerals and vitamins in the animal's body, which are so necessary for his health, especially the hairline.
  2. Care . Any owner should buy detergents for his four-legged friend only in specialized stores. Neglect of this inevitably leads to the fact that sooner or later you have to think about why a dog has a wool crawl, and its appearance is far from perfect. No less harmful can be an excess of care for the coat, for example, too frequent water procedures or combing.
  3. Infectious and parasitic diseases . Infection with scabies mite, puhoedom or fungus disease, leading to loss of hair, occurs through contact with the sick animal, as well as household items. Self-medication or late referral to the doctor can translate the acute course of the disease into a chronic form, weakened immunity, or result in a fatal outcome.
  4. Hormonal means . On the basis of hormones, many contraceptives have been developed, overdose of which leads to a disruption of the hormonal background. And it, in turn, is reflected, unfortunately, not only on the wool.
  5. Allergic conditions . In this respect, dogs are like people. Any external factor can provoke an allergy with hair loss.

A dog's coat sometimes gets out of stress caused, for example, by longing for the owner. For this reason, all preventive and curative measures should be carried out only after consulting a specialist.