Subcutaneous mite in cats

Subcutaneous mite, it's demodex - a disease that affects the top layer of the skin. Causes dermatitis, alopecia, pustular-papular rashes, imnuodefitsit. For its formation and progression, both human skin and animal are favorable. Describe this parasite can be as follows: an organism of microscopic size, gray, or earth color, the body of an oval, sometimes oblong form. Reproduction of the body occurs due to the laying of eggs in the hair follicle.

Signs and Symptoms of Demodex

Consider what signs of subcutaneous tick in cats. It usually forms on the face, ears, neck, tail, abdomen. Symptoms of subcutaneous mite in cats cause itching and unpleasant sensation in an animal. From discomfort, the cat begins to scratch often and comb the affected areas on the skin, thereby rending the skin to deep wounds. Independently (by biting, scratching, licking) a cat can not lose demodex.

The subcutaneous tick in cats causes symptoms that are difficult to overlook. It starts with the baldness of individual skin areas. If we examine the affected area in more detail, we see a hardened growth on the skin, its height reaches from two to twelve millimeters. On its top there is a noticeable hole that oozes. No less bright symptom of the disease is the appearance of dandruff on the cat's fur.

Symptoms of a hypodermic tick can appear in a cat with reduced immunity. The cause of this complex disease can be malnutrition, hypothermia, frequent illnesses. Most often subcutaneous mite affects street stray cats. Unfortunately, homemade well-groomed cats are not deprived of the risk of disease. Subcutaneous tick in cats is a disease transmitted by contact with a sick cat. Sometimes it's quite difficult, to protect your cat from other cats - courtyards. Scientists-veterinarians have proved that, getting a subcutaneous mite on a healthy pet's skin does not mean that the cat will get sick. With proper nutrition, obtaining the necessary nutrients and vitamins , the cat has an immunity, which, according to scientists, is able to protect the animal from the parasite .

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of subcutaneous mites in cats is a lengthy process requiring constant patient care, and it can last from several weeks to several months. The duration of treatment depends primarily on the type of mite, i.e. from the demodex form. There are two most common forms of demodex - localized and generalized. In the first case, the treatment lasts up to 2-3 weeks. The first results of recovery will be visible as early as the second week. With a more severe form of the disease (generalized), your pet will need several months to completely restore the skin and coat. It is necessary to increase the amount of nutrients rich in vitamins. In addition to this, you can use special drugs to boost the body's immune system. Vitamin complexes and immunopreparations will accelerate the process of recovery of the animal. Treatment of subcutaneous mites in cats should be controlled by a veterinarian. It is not recommended to test unchecked folk remedies on the cat. Doing self-medication, you can damage the cat, which will negatively affect the further treatment of the disease.

During treatment, the cat must necessarily be isolated from other cats. Thus, you prevent the possibility of infection of healthy cats. As, the quarantine mode will limit your cat from other possibly infected cats, thus you can track the process of recovering the pet.