Mycoplasmosis in dogs

In nature, there are many different microorganisms. Some of them are completely harmless to humans and animals or perform useful functions, others can cause dangerous infections, and others are called conditionally pathogenic, manifesting themselves only under certain conditions. The last organisms include mycoplasmas. For people they are saprophytes - this means that they do not pose a serious danger for us. But in weakened dogs or cats, mycoplasma can cause various diseases. They can be found in many absolutely healthy animals. It is believed that up to 80% of cats and 70% of domestic decorative rats are carriers of this microflora.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in dogs

Most dogs with mycoplasmosis suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system. Infection is transmitted sexually, by airborne or intrauterine infection of the fetus occurs. For puppies such a disease is fraught with mortality in the early period, they are born underdeveloped. In bitches, abortions or resorption of embryos are possible. Vaginitis often develops. Males suffer from urethritis, prostatitis, swelling of the scrotum, balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis). Very often, mycoplasmosis manifests itself in the form of one- or two-sided purulent conjunctivitis . In the smallest puppies, various respiratory tract infections are possible. If dogs have weakened immunity, then mycoplasmal infection leads to joint damage - lameness, pain, animals do not want to move, general malaise, fever, swelling of limbs begin.

Unfortunately mycoplasmoses are not badly protected, and antibodies of the animal's organism with them often can not cope on their own. This leads to the fact that the inflammatory processes become chronic. Immune protection is loosened, and treatment can become very problematic. All this suggests that this disease is very serious and can not be treated in any way disparagingly.

Mycoplasmosis in dogs - treatment and preparations

Mycoplasmosis has a saprophytic nature, and therefore it is impossible to completely eliminate it. Diagnosis is made only by a veterinarian, who determines that in this case it is advisable to appoint. This will require a microscopic examination of smears in a modern laboratory. Here, colonies of microorganisms are grown in a liquid medium and examined to find the most effective preparation. This disease is used to treat various antibiotics - tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, macrolides and levomycetin. These drugs are used in the form of ointments (it is applied to the conjunctival sac) or in the form of systemic therapy. It is necessary to proceed cautiously with the choice of an antibiotic, some very carefully need to be prescribed to very small puppies or pregnant females. Dosage and preparation in each case is determined only by the attending physician. In any case, a re-examination should be done to assess how effective the treatment was.

As always, preventive measures play an important role. Do not let your dog run around unattended, limit how much contact your pet can with the homeless animals. It has already been said that very often this disease affects precisely weakened animals. Do not forget to regularly bring your pet for inspection to a local veterinarian, put in a timely vaccination . You can conduct periodic laboratory examination of the microflora of the animal. Take care that the dog gets good nutrition.