Than to treat a conjunctivitis at a dog?

Conjunctivitis is a disease that occurs as a result of inflammation of the conjunctiva (a very thin membrane covering the posterior surface of the eyelid and the eye itself). Among dogs of this disease dogs, sheep dogs, Dobermans are especially exposed. Depending on the symptoms, the dog may develop one of the following kinds of conjunctivitis:

  1. Catarrhal . The envelope of the eye strongly reddens and swells. There is a discharge from the eyes, involuntarily flowing tear. Catarrhal conjunctivitis begins acutely and if one does not begin to treat it on time, then it passes into a chronic stage.
  2. Purulent form . There are thick purulent discharge of yellowish color. Conjunctiva edematous, reddened. The animal becomes sluggish, stops eating. Against the background of the inflammatory process, the temperature rises.
  3. Follicular conjunctivitis in dogs . This is probably the most common form of the disease. It arises from the irritation of the eye with smoke or a small foreign object. Lymphatic follicles, which are on the inner surface of the eyelid are inflamed, irritate the cornea with blinking. The mucous membrane is colored in a rich crimson color.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in dogs

Having established the cause of the disease, you will know how to treat conjunctivitis in your dog. When purulent form the dog is prescribed intensive antibiotic therapy and a number of ointments (sintomycin, tetracycline and penicillin). The accumulated pus is washed away with a solution of furacilin or ethacridine lactate.

Catarrhal conjunctivitis is treated primarily with astringent preparations in the form of eye drops (resoccine, zinc sulphate, protargol, etc.)

Dosage and the number of days during which treatment is performed depend on the neglect of the disease. Drops are recommended to be used 4 times a day for 10-14 days. Ointments and concomitant drugs are used as much as drops.