Erysipelas of the lower leg

Erysipelas is a bacterial disease. The disease can affect any part of the body, occurs in both adults and children. Erysipelas is one of the most frequent manifestations of the disease. The favorite places for the formation of erysipelas are the hands, feet, face. Still, most often the erysipelas appear on the feet.

Causes of erysipelas

The main causative agent of the disease are streptococci. They have learned to adapt to any conditions of life, but most actively develop in the summer-autumn period. Streptococcus can live in any organism and at the same time do not deliver any problems. Once the infection is able to grope a breach in protecting the immune system, it will immediately begin to act. That is, people with low immunity are susceptible to the disease most.

Most erysipelas is diagnosed in older and middle-aged women, but it is not recommended to lose vigilance to either the stronger sex or the children. Streptococcus, which causes erysipelas, is transmitted by contact with the patient. But contact alone is often not enough.

To develop a mug on the lower leg, the following additional conditions are required:

  1. Infection will most likely penetrate the body if there are scratches, abrasions, injuries, burns on the foot of a potential patient - in general, any injuries that have violated the integrity of the skin.
  2. With sudden changes in temperature, the likelihood of contracting an erysipelas infection also increases.
  3. In the risk zone, in addition to people with weak immunity, there are those who are experiencing stress or depression.
  4. The organism of a person suffering from allergies is favorable for the development of streptococci.

The infection develops best against the background of:

Symptoms and treatment of erysipelas

It's simply impossible not to notice the face. The infection immediately gives itself out as redness and unpleasant sensations in the affected area. Of the main symptoms of the disease can be identified as follows:

  1. A few hours after infection, the skin in the problem area becomes bright red. The diseased part of the epidermis from the healthy is usually separated by a roller.
  2. Reddened areas of the skin are constantly whining. Touching can cause burning sensation.
  3. Streptococcuses reproduce relatively quickly, but at the same time the area of ​​the diseased site also increases.

Treatment of erysipelatous inflammation of the lower leg

If you start treatment promptly, you can completely get rid of the disease can be a maximum of two weeks. There are a lot of methods for treating erysipelas. The most suitable variant to pick up will be helped only by the expert.

Since this is an infectious problem, in the treatment of erysipelatous inflammation of the lower leg, antibiotics are often used. Along with potent drugs, antiallergic drugs, vitamins, biostimulants are prescribed. The most popular products that are included in the treatment complex:

After agreeing with a specialist for the treatment of erysipelas, you can use folk remedies:

  1. Strengthen the body and contribute to the natural fight against infection can natural yogurt with slices of leaves of aloe vera.
  2. Efficient curd masks. Several times a day, apply a thick layer of curd on a sore spot and remove it without waiting for it to dry.
  3. Fried to the coals and crushed nucleoli peach bones, mixed with sour milk, are an excellent tool.