Treatment of cancer celandine

If traditional medicine has been powerless in the treatment of cancer, then it is worth trying the folk methods and not despair, because faith in the best brings wonders.

Recipes for cure for celandine

An important factor is where the cancer has "settled", since the way of treatment can depend on it.

Treatment of lung cancer with celandine


Preparation and use

Cut the stems of celandine, so that they become vertical in the jar and do not interfere with its closure. In this position, tightly stamping the stems, the amount unlimited, how much will fit. Then pour them with medical alcohol, close tightly and insist for about 3 weeks in the dark place. Ready tincture drained through gauze in a clean container, and drink 2 weeks for half a tsp. 3 times a day, then take a break 10-14 days and repeat the therapy.

Treatment of skin cancer with celandine


Preparation and use

All ingredients must be combined and mixed until homogeneous. Finished the mixture to smear patches of skin, affected by cancer, 3 times a day.

Treatment of stomach cancer with celandine


Preparation and use

Combine the celandine with water and simmer in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Cool the broth for 3 divided doses during the day. It is necessary to prepare it daily, you can not do it for stock. The treatment schedule is as follows: 10 days to drink, 10 days to break, then 14 to drink, 14 to break, and at the end of the course also 7 to 7 days.

Cure for rectal cancer


Preparation and use

Cleaner pour a liter of boiling water in a clean container, insist until it cools. And with this solution do enemas once in 2 days. To influence the cancer from the inside, you also need to take a celandine tincture of 10 drops, dissolved in a spoonful of milk or water every morning on an empty stomach. The therapy should last 1 month, then a few weeks break.

Treatment of cancer celandine according to Bolotov

With great interest, many refer to the treatment of cancer by the method of professor and academician Boris Vitalievich Bolotov. His method is based on the treatment of cancer with the help of kvass from celandine, eating edible vegetables and fruits, iodized salt, vinegar, bacon, etc.

Kvass from celandine


Preparation and use

Mix all the ingredients in a three-liter jar and, at room temperature, insist about 2-3 weeks in a dry place, covering the jar with gauze. For convenience, grass celandine, it is better to wrap in a gauze bag and put a stainless piece of metal there, like a sinker. Take therapeutic kvass 3 times a day for 25-30 minutes. before meals, starting with one tbsp. diluted in 0.5 tbsp. water. Then increase the proportion of kvass, and reduce water, gradually bringing to the reception to half a glass of undiluted kvass. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then a break and, if necessary, a repetition.