First time at the gynecologist

First time at the gynecologist the young girl needs to visit in 14-16 years. This is a very exciting moment, many are ashamed and scared to go to the doctor. Of course, for the first inspection it is better to choose a female doctor. Take with you a support group, for example, a mom or an older sister, maybe a girlfriend - a person with whom you have a trusting relationship, so it will be psychologically easier. But you do not have to enter the office all together completely, they can just support you while you wait in line.

Gynecological examination

Since it is the unknown that frightens young girls the most, let's figure out what the gynecologist does at the first examination. First, the gynecologist will ask about when the first menstruation started and when the last ones started. You need to know the specific number of the beginning of the last locality, and not just the month. The doctor will ask if you are living a sexual life and whether there are any complaints about your health. It is important to be honest and tell the truth, because the doctor is not engaged in the upbringing of moral qualities and in no way will tell parents about your sex life. He only cares about your health, and these questions are asked not out of idle curiosity. The girl, in turn, can ask her the question that interests her, which, perhaps, her mother can ask awkwardly.

Gynecological examination includes the examination of the mammary glands. When visiting a gynecologist for the first time, the absence of seals and neoplasms is checked, because there are cases of mastopathy and very young girls. Next, an examination is performed on the gynecological chair. If the patient does not begin to have sex, the doctor simply examines the genitals externally. This is necessary to ascertain the presence of pathologies of development. For inspection of girls are not used vaginal mirrors. The doctor probes the ovaries through the anus, inserting a finger into it. Thus, the presence of tumors is excluded. The procedure is a little uncomfortable, but completely painless.

Sexually active girls have to undergo a two-handed examination. In the vagina, two fingers of one hand are inserted, and with the other hand the doctor probes the stomach. This determines the status of the uterus and ovaries. Instead of a two-handed examination, you can undergo vaginal ultrasound.

When is it necessary to visit a gynecologist?

The first time goes to the gynecologist without fail the girl in the event that:

Girls and women should know how often it is necessary to go to a gynecologist, even in the absence of complaints and well-being. The matter is that some painful processes can pass or take place asymptomatically and to notice a problem the expert can only at survey. Therefore, it is very important to be responsible for your health and visit a gynecologist at least once, and very desirable - twice a year.

What you need to visit a gynecologist:

  1. One-time gynecological set. It is sold at any nearest pharmacy. If the examination is carried out in a private clinic, then the set is usually not needed, in public - it is necessary. Also, you need to bring a towel or disposable diaper, so you do not have to lie down on a naked chair.
  2. Comfortable clothes. Many girls are very embarrassed to be half-naked before the doctor. Instead of trousers it is better to wear a skirt, which can easily be lifted without removing. Bring clean socks with you.
  3. Personal hygiene. Before visiting a doctor, you need to wash yourself, preferably shave your pubic hair and wear clean underwear. It's enough. Do not use deodorants. Douching, which is carried out by some women, distorts the picture of the natural microflora of the vagina, and the results of the smear will be incorrect. Before you come to the reception, you need to visit the toilet.

Visiting a gynecologist in special situations

A visit to a gynecologist during menstruation is usually necessary only for such serious reasons as bleeding with severe pain, fever, or general signs of intoxication. In other cases, transfer the appointed visit to the doctor for a while after the end.

If you found two stripes on the pregnancy test, then the first visit to the gynecologist should occur immediately if an "interesting situation" is found. You will be registered, and the doctor will prescribe an examination, tests and ultrasound. So you can find out if everything is all right, get answers to your questions and exclude ectopic pregnancy.

The first visit to a gynecologist after childbirth should occur after the discharge from the vagina will take the usual character. The doctor will examine the birth canal, check the restoration of the uterus, cervix and the condition of the sutures, if they were applied after delivery or during cesarean section. For pain and severe bleeding, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Some women may get small spotting after visiting a gynecologist, but this should not cause concern. Usually such secretions quickly pass, and are associated with a slight damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina when taking a smear or examining with the help of mirrors. But in the case when after a visit to the gynecologist blood blew, that is, bleeding has opened, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Carefully refer to bloody discharge during pregnancy - this can often mean a threat of miscarriage, do not hesitate and call an ambulance.

Any girl and woman should be careful about their health and on time to undergo an examination with a gynecologist - so you reduce the risk of problems, get valuable advice and advice from a specialist.