15 lasso Tarot - value

The 15th Arcana Tarot refers to the highest cards. He has several names. So in the Egyptian Tarot it is called "Typhon", European - "Devil", in Russian - "Hell", "Satan". Not surprisingly, this map, which appeared in the scenario, is perceived negatively. Although the value of the 15 arcana Tarot for a person depends on whether it is in a direct or inverted position.

General description of 15 arcana Tarot cards

The external design of the map usually corresponds to its gloomy name. For example, in the European tradition, the Devil is depicted as a black figure, sitting on a cube symbolizing the material sphere of life. On his forehead, he has an inverted pentagram, a horned figure in his head, and the wings of a bat are deployed behind his back - these are all signs of his demonic nature. In his hand he holds a torch - a symbol of those fiery passions that burn a person. And next - a man and a woman in chains, symbolizing the temptations of the material world, with which the soul is constrained.

Thus, the total value of the 15 arcana of the Tarot is connected with the material sphere. The devil is human instincts, the animal principle, the limitations of the mind. But at the same time this map indicates the path by which to go to get rid of the influence of the material world and become more developed in the spiritual plan.

The value of 15 arcana Tarot in the forward position

The magical description of the 15 arcana of the Tarot, which fell out on fortune-telling, can be summarized as follows: do not be tempted. And by this can be understood and dependence, and some excessive desires, and empty dreams. They all have a destructive effect on the spirit, which means that they should resist with all their might. In the scenario of relations, a card means a quarrel, a betrayal of a loved one, dependence on him. If we are talking about work, then the value will be greed, manipulation of others, payback for mistakes, dismissal. If you ask about health, the appearance of the "Devil" speaks about the dominance of bad habits, possible venereal and other diseases. You should seriously think about your life, you are clearly doing something wrong.

The value of 15 arcana tarot in an inverted position

In this position, the value of the card is usually treated as a test of strength, payment for past actions. So, very soon you will have to face the consequences of your actions, but it is not too late to prevent a catastrophe. Try to analyze the situation to identify factors that negatively affect it, and eliminate them.