Guessing for tomorrow

There are periods in life when you just need to know what will happen tomorrow. For this you can use fortune-telling for tomorrow. There are many options for how to find out the events of the next day, the most effective ones will be considered below.

Guessing on the book and on the clock for tomorrow

For the first option, any book or even a magazine is suitable. Take the book in hand and ask what awaits you tomorrow, then close your eyes and guess 2 numbers from 5 to 15. The first number is the page number, and 2 is the line number. As a result, the line you read should give you the desired answer.

For the second option, you need a clock in which there is a second hand. This fortune telling is necessary before going to bed. Ask a question about tomorrow, count to 27 and look at the second hand. On a sheet of paper, record the number of seconds you see and go to bed. As soon as you wake up, say aloud: "Now I want to know the answer to my question," again count to 27 and look at the second hand. Now compare the two results, if the difference is more than 10 seconds, everything will be fine, if from 10 to 20, then you are waiting for obstacles and tests, and if from 20 to 30, tomorrow can be good and bad, it all depends on you. Well, if the result is more than 30 seconds, tomorrow will be unsuccessful for you. Just remember that even a bad prediction can be changed, since it depends on you.

Divination of Tarot for tomorrow

Recently, the most popular version of fortune telling. With the help of these maps, you can predict the future for any period, but we are interested in the option for tomorrow. Divination by Tarot cards for tomorrow is as follows: concentrate on tomorrow, in your head there should be only these thoughts. After carefully shuffle the deck and with your left hand pull out one card. Its meaning will tell you about the future.

Guessing, what awaits me tomorrow?

For this option, you need to separately add the numbers of your date of birth and the date of tomorrow. For example, the date of birth 08.11.1989, and you want to know what will be 12. 01.2014.

We add the numbers of your birthday:

8 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 37

Now we need to add the resulting figures:

3 + 7 = 10, and again 1 + 0 = 1

Now counts the number of tomorrow:

1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 11

We add the numbers:

1 + 1 = 2

The last thing to do is to add the resulting two numbers, that is, 1 + 2 = 3.

Now it's time to find out what you were interested in, namely the future for tomorrow:

1 - This day is intended for active actions. If you are planning to start a new business, then this is an excellent chance to implement this.

2 - Stop, it's time to think carefully, because one wrong step can lead to serious problems. In addition, this day is so unpredictable that everything can start well, but it can end badly and vice versa.

3 - On this day, whatever you do will have a stunning success. It's time to travel.

4 - It's time to sum up all the started cases. Something global on this day is better not to start.

5 - On this day, fortune is on your side. Tomorrow, for you, the risk will be justified, so do not be afraid.

6 - On this day it is necessary to stop and give up any risks. All actions must be considered.

7 - Finish what you started, use the advice of close friends and relatives, it will be to your advantage.

8 - Gather all forces into a fist, because on this day all issues will be resolved quickly and easily, do not miss the moment.

9 - On this day, you can start a new business, which is bound to result in success . During this period, you will be able to reach new heights in any direction.