Desktop easel

If a small artist grows up in your house or wants to remember at your leisure how to work with paints with a brush, you should go in search of an easel. A full-fledged full-length will take up enough room in the room, and not always it is really so necessary. But the desktop easel thing is very compact, you can carry it with you, and sometimes for the comfort of using it is no different.

Table-top for children's easel

This is probably the most affordable option. But it is suitable only for children under the age of seven to eight years. It is difficult to attribute it to the present attribute of the future artist, it is more likely one of the types of children's developmental pursuits .

Most of these desktop easels are plastic. This is, on the one hand, a big plus, because the thing is light and it is unlikely to cause serious injuries to the child when falling. But on the other hand desktop plastic easels are very fragile. Almost all the proposed models of plastic one part is a wooden board for crayons, and the second - a metal tablet. You can draw a piece of paper with markers or magnets on it.

If your child seriously began to get involved in drawing, it is better to buy a table-top children's easel-clapper from wood. It also has a chalkboard on one side, but the design is much stronger, so this is a good option for starting a baby.

Desktop wooden easel

There are models for full-fledged use for their intended purpose, namely, studies. A professional or adult desktop easel is almost a complete copy of the models in full growth. Outwardly it is a miniature alternative to the H-shaped type or lyre. Than they are good: almost all are regulated and perfectly suited for small jobs, and they are quite stable and after work are added to a compact design. There is also a card-type desk easel - with a drawer. It can also be called a miniature sketchbook. In closed form, it's just a box or a box. It is revealed as a tablet. This artistic desk easel is good because it can always be taken with you on the road and painted in nature outside the city, and everything you need is stored in a drawer and is always at hand.

Any of the above easels desktop type has several pros and cons. Among the advantages is the following:

As for the shortcomings of the desktop easel, there is obvious instability on the table, therefore it will be necessary to look for ways to fix its position on the table.