Filters for water treatment - which one to choose?

Today in the shops you can find a variety of systems for water treatment - different volume, method of cleaning and installation. How to choose the right filter for drinking water - we learn from this article.

How to determine which filter for water is needed?

Before you go for a filter, you need to decide what kind of water you have in the tap, and what kind of water filter for your house is best for cleaning it.

Usually the qualitative composition of water differs depending on the locality where you live, the reservoir and the way it is cleaned. If you install a filter that is not suitable for cleaning a particular type of water, you can simply waste money without achieving your goal.

To determine the qualitative composition of the water that flows from your tap, you need to conduct a preliminary analysis and only then choose a household filter. Each filter is designed for different purposes - remove odor or mechanical water pollution, etc. And a violation of its operating conditions can lead to a decrease in the quality of the water being purified and the failure of the filter.

If there is a lot of iron and manganese in the water from the well or well, you need a catalytic filter or a reverse osmosis filter. With increased water hardness, filtration based on calcite is necessary with an additional softener installation.

If the water is turbid, that is, it contains suspended matter, you need a filter illuminator. And if there is an unpleasant smell, increased color and excess chlorine, the best solution is to install an adsorption filter based on activated carbon.

From mechanical impurities (sand, clay, other impurities) help mesh mechanical filters or disk filters.

In addition, the quality of the filter is directly affected by factors such as water supply stability, temperature, water flow pressure. They also need to be taken into account when deciding which filter for water purification is better.

How to choose a household filter for water treatment?

If we consider the types of household filters, we can distinguish such varieties:

The most mobile, simple and inexpensive - pitchers. Despite their seeming simplicity and simplicity, they are doing a good job of cleaning water qualitatively. It consists of such a filter from a jug, a volume of 1.5-2 liters and a reservoir with a filter. The liquid poured into the jug passes through the filter and gets from the tank directly into the jug capacity.

Such a device is extremely simple to operate and does not need to be connected to the water supply system. Thus clears from the most various pollution. The only drawback is a small amount. To filter a lot of water, it will take a lot of time.

The second type of filter - desktop, much faster purify water, but the quality of cleaning is often inferior to that achieved by cleansing with a jug. To filter the running water, you need to put a special adapter on the tap and filter.

Some models are attached to the table top, others directly on the tap. The cleaning process is carried out by means of 1-2 filtration units.

Stationary filtration systems of flowing water assume the constant finding of the filter in a specified place without its further movement. Such a filter is connected to the water supply pipe, and the purified water is discharged through a special tap taken out into the sink .

There are systems of stationary purification with 1, 2 and 3 stages of filtration. This is mechanical, chemical and biological purification. As a result of using a three-stage filter system, you get perfect water.