Wireless doorbell

Comfort. Nowadays, many of us give this notion an advantage. Even such a simple and usual thing as a doorbell can also become comfortable. Provided that you will install a wireless doorbell. It is about him that will be discussed in the article.

What are wireless calls to the door?

Let's recall what an ordinary doorbell looks like working from a domestic electrical network. Outside, there is a button at the entrance door to the house. From it goes the wire to the home network and to the dynamics, from which, when you press the button inside the house, a call is sounded, notifying the hosts about the arrival of the visitor. It's pretty simple. However, to install such a device, you will need additional efforts: you will have to drill walls or lay wires along the wall. If you have a private house, the wires connecting the outdoor unit and the inner doorbell remain on the street. All this means the potential for burnout, leading to damage to the entire household electrical network and, as a result, creating a danger to human life. But there is an exit - a wireless doorbell. The essence of its difference consists in the absence of a wire connection between the speaker and the button. Installing such a device is very simple and fast - 5-10 minutes is enough. In this case, you do not need to spoil the walls and lay the wires. However, the button must be hidden under the visor in order to avoid getting rain on it. The principle of the wireless call to the apartment is based on the transmission of a radio signal from the transmitter (that is, the call button) to the receiver (i.e., dynamics). The signal transmission radius reaches from 30 to 130 m, and the walls deteriorate communication. By the way, the device works from alkaline batteries, simply ordinary batteries, or transformers. That's the truth, you will have to change them often if you have a large number of guests. By the way, there is also an electric wireless bell, which has batteries in the transmitter, and the receiver works from the home network.

Wireless call: how to choose?

The modern market offers a large selection of wireless calls. Preference depends on the purpose for which you asked, acquiring it. The simplest wireless home phone call consists of one button-transmitter and one receiver-receiver. For large rooms, offices, a wireless call with two speakers, one of which can be placed at the entrance door, and the second one - in remote rooms, where the call is usually not audible, will do. In case you have several different inputs, it is recommended to purchase a wireless call with two buttons.

By the way, at a call of wireless street, in contrast to the apartment, the button-receiver is equipped with a protective visor or body, which protects from precipitation.

As a rule, in wireless calls there is not a usual signal, but pleasant melodies or greetings. And in the memory of the device can store several dozens of tunes, which are easily switched at will. Moreover, the more ringtones a bell has, the higher its cost. In some devices, you can record music for a call from USB-media. By the way, in many products you can adjust the volume of the sound. Such conventional wireless doorbells are available for every customer: they are estimated from 10 to 50 conventional units depending on the manufacturer.

The price of a doorbell directly depends on additional functions. So, for example, a wireless doorbell with a camera, which allows not only to see the visitor, but even communicate with him on the built-in microphone and take pictures, will cost from 80 u. e. Some of these devices display information from a doorbell on a tablet or smartphone, so the door does not need to be opened.

A wireless call with motion sensor is ideal for offices and shops. If you often have to leave the room, as the visitor approaches, the signal will sound. And this means that the room will not remain unattended. This option is suitable for dacha owners with a large personal plot.

And if you are in full swing with hooligans, it is worth paying attention to the wireless call vandal-proof - with a reinforced body of strong metals or intercom.

And complement your safety video eyes and a reliable lock.