Arcana Tarot by date of birth

Tarot is a special system of signs and a symbol that can give a characteristic to every person. To do this, you need to figure out how to find out which arcana you have and then read the available information. A simple calculation is represented by two sciences: astrology and numerology.

How to determine the human's lasso?

To calculate your lasso, it's enough just to add all the digits of the date of birth. For convenience, consider the example: 17.06.1982, first add up the numbers entering the date of birth 1 + 7 = 8, then, month 0 + 6 = 6 and year 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 20, since this amount is less than the number of lasso, but there are 22 of them, then we leave them, and if more, then we subtract. Now add up all three values: 8 + 6 + 20 = 34, and now the value is more than 22, so you have to subtract from the result obtained, that is 34-22 = 12 - the Tarot value . If, as a result, you get a result less than 22, then no more calculations are needed.

How to find out your arcana Tarot cards are now known, we will present a brief description of each card.

  1. Map of the Magician. Such people can manipulate the outside world, but they often deceive.
  2. Map of the High Priestess. Holders of this lasso have good intuition, but often suffer because of their kindness.
  3. Map of the Empress. The main goal of such people is harmony in everything, they go to their goal no matter what.
  4. Map of the Emperor. Congenital leaders who can turn into despots, and they are prone to depression.
  5. The Priest's Card. Clean and innocent by nature people are often hypocritical, considering themselves truthful in everything.
  6. Card of the Lovers. Arkan Taro on the date of birth indicates that such people live in uncertainty, which often leads to many problems.
  7. Map of the Carriage. Such people are constantly striving for development, but they do not see dangers before themselves.
  8. Map Power. Owners of this arcana want to be the first always and everywhere, and they often have problems in the family.
  9. Map of the Hermit. Representatives of this arcana love solitude, that's why they lead a separate way of life.
  10. Map of Fortune. The person is active and constantly moves forward, achieving success in financial matters.
  11. Map of Justice. Such people have to pay for their karma, so prepare for many tests.
  12. Map of the Hanged Man. Soft people often suffer from the outside world, but they should try to change their lives for the better.
  13. Death Card. Owners of this arcana are wise, but in life they will face many problems.
  14. Moderation card. Such people are calm and tolerant of others, but at the same time they are subject to bad habits.
  15. Map of the Devil. Sexually attractive owners of this lasso are ready to do anything to get what they want.
  16. Map of the Tower. Representatives of this arcana often face different changes and catastrophes.
  17. Map of the Star. Balanced people can easily establish relationships with others.
  18. Map of the Moon. These people have a good intuition and are encouraged to develop their talents .
  19. Map of the Sun. Bright people are optimistic, but often display their vagaries.
  20. Map of the Court. Wise with developed intuition, but they often do not believe in their strength.
  21. World map. Wise and strong people can count on the fulfillment of their desires.
  22. Map of the Jester. Funny people with a developed intuition are able to give joy to others.