Feet of the feet is cold - reasons

Cold feet not only cause discomfort and often prevent sleep, but also create favorable conditions for the development of acute respiratory infections, inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys and pelvic organs. In addition, constantly freezing feet in themselves can be a symptom of various abnormalities in the body, some of which are quite serious.

Therefore, if the freezing of the feet is not associated with the wearing of tight shoes not for the season, synthetic tights or socks that do not retain heat, but often worry, even in the heat, ignoring it is not worth it. And, first of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons why the feet feel cold.

Why do women's feet feel cold?

Let's consider the basic factors provoking freezing of feet:

If the feet are constantly cold and sweat with this, then most likely, this phenomenon is associated with vegetovascular dystonia . With this pathology, the regulation of the vascular tone by the vegetative nervous system fails, as a result of which the innervation of the vessels is disrupted, and the rate of blood flow in them is slowed.

In the event that only one foot freezes - left or right, this may be due to clogged blood vessels of the thrombus or atherosclerotic plaques, which also causes a circulatory disturbance.