What helps Bellataminal?

Bellataminal is a drug in the form of coated tablets, which has a systemic effect on the body. Take this medicine only as prescribed by the doctor, tk. Uncontrolled use of it can cause a number of serious undesirable effects. We learn what helps Bellataminal, what is included in its composition, and how this drug works.

Indications for taking Bellataminal

This drug is prescribed with the following confirmed diagnoses:

Structure and action of the drug Bellataminal

The drug is complex, including such active components:

  1. Alkaloids belladonna - have pronounced neurogenic and antispasmodic properties.
  2. Ergotamine Tartrate (ergot alkaloid) - has a tonic effect on peripheral and cerebral vessels, as well as sedation.
  3. Phenobarbital - has a pronounced hypnotic effect, an anticonvulsant effect, has a calming effect.

Application of Bellataminal

The medicine is usually prescribed one tablet twice - three times a day after a meal. The treatment course is from two weeks to one month. When treating this drug, it should be noted that its therapeutic effect increases when combined with nicotine and adrenostimulators. At the same time, these tablets lower the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. Also, due to the effects of Bellataminal during the treatment course, it is desirable to give up driving and dangerous activities that require concentration.

Contraindications Bellataminal: