Antibiotic ciprofloxacin

Ciprofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. Destroys all kinds of bacteria that are in the human body. This drug is active not only on active microorganisms, but also on those that are in the incubation period. This drug has a sensitivity of a number of gram-negative aerobic microbes, eterobacteria, intracellular pathogens, gram-positive aerobic microorganisms, staphylococci. With the help of this medication the whole spectrum of diseases is treated: trachea, bronchi, infection of ENT organs, skin, abdominal cavity, kidneys and urinary tract. Infectious diseases of the eyes, bacteremia, septicemia, sepsis, peritonitis and gynecological infections.

Ciprofloxacin is a white, slightly yellowish, crystalline powder. Ciprofloxacin is practically insoluble in water and ethanol.

Form of issue:

Side effects

In order to avoid severe diarrhea with the use of this drug, you should use plenty of liquid in order to replenish the body's water balance and contact a doctor.

Also among the side effects of ciprofloxacin may be:

In addition, people taking this drug should be cautious when driving a car and when engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased attention and quick response.

Ciprofloxacin - contraindications

This drug should not be used by pregnant women, women who breastfeed. It is contraindicated to apply to adolescents under 15 years old, who have not yet completed the final formation of the skeleton. This drug should not be used by those who are predisposed to epilepsy and have high sensitivity to quinolones. If the functioning of the kidneys is broken, then the patient is prescribed standard doses of the drug to begin with, and then the dosage is reduced.

In order to avoid a decrease in effectiveness, it is not necessary to use ciprofloxacin together with drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach.

With caution you need to take the drug to people with impaired cerebral circulation, arteriosclerosis of the vessels, marked hepatic and renal insufficiency, mental illnesses, epileptic syndrome.


It is not always possible to buy exactly the same drug in pharmacies that the doctor prescribed. Therefore, in order to buy an analog of ciprofloxacin, in this article the trade names of medicines with the active substance ciprofloxacin are given below:

But remember that before you make a purchase, you should consult your doctor. Ciprofloxacin causes the strongest dysbacteriosis, therefore, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to drink drugs that support the intestinal microflora. Recommended: bifiform, linex and other means that provide prevention of intestinal dysbiosis.