Interesting facts about Norway

In each country there is something unusual, inherent only to it. Nor is Norway an exception. Interesting information about Norway is also unusual, because the country itself is very different from others, even from neighboring Sweden , although they are close by. The originality and independence of Norwegians largely determines their unique way of life. Interesting facts about Norway can also be shared by the people of this harsh country. After all, these facts are their pride, as, for example, the fact that there is still a monarchy here.

One of the most interesting and interesting facts about the country of Norway is that the world famous symbol of Norway - the Viking helmet with horns - is no more than a myth! Looking at the photos from the holidays, we see Norwegians in national clothes and helmets on their heads, movies and even cartoons about Vikings with the same attribute - a horned helmet. But it turns out that historians and archaeologists, studying the history of the country and digging ancient settlements, have found only one such helmet and nothing more. And this was evidence that such headdresses were not worn by the Vikings.

It is interesting that the population of the country is very small in our understanding, because today it is only five million inhabitants, one and a half million of whom live in the capital of Oslo . These figures do not go to any comparison even with Moscow, whose population is about twenty million people, not to mention all of Russia.

The country spends a lot of money on education and healthcare, which is very commendable. But on the defense of the country's money is allocated a small amount. But, despite this, the country is able to protect itself and not only - it also protects the airspace of neighboring Iceland, which does not have its own aviation.

Norway is the most expensive country in Europe. Everything is expensive - food, cars, clothes. But the biggest source of costs are utilities, which each month eat up about $ 1000 for electricity from the budget of a small Norwegian family. Therefore Norwegians are very economical and thrifty people. And although the average salary here is 5-7 thousand dollars, the citizens of the country can feel rich only when they come to some poor country with a low standard of living and low salaries.

And, perhaps, the most interesting fact about Norway will be that a person has the right to go on sick leave only because he is simply tired! To do this, you need to visit a doctor, complain about your problems and get a week off.