Barley on the eye - reasons

Among inflammatory eye diseases, the first place in terms of prevalence is acute inflammation of the lobule of the eyelash or the sebaceous gland near its edge, popularly called "barley". Initially, a small area of ​​the eyelid appears reddening and painful swelling, a few days later there is an abscess that ripens and breaks. Barley can appear both on one eye and on both, to be single, or to appear constantly, depending on the cause that triggered its occurrence. In most cases, this disease is not dangerous and, with observance of elementary measures, passes quickly, leaving no consequences.

Common causes of the appearance of barley on the eye

It is considered that the cause of the appearance of barley is hypothermia or various colds. This opinion is not entirely true, since the main causes causing barley are mixed up, and the factors contributing to the development of the disease, but the original cause is not.

Let's see why barley appears in the eyes. Like any inflammatory process, barley is caused by bacterial, most often staphylococcal infection. Infection of the infection is usually promoted by non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene (it is enough to rub your eyes with dirty hands), as well as general weakening of immunity and metabolic disorders that can cause activation of bacteria already in the body.

With normal immunity, the body can overcome an infection accidentally entered into the eye. But hypothermia, various colds, stress, beriberi, inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis ) weaken local or general immunity and create a favorable environment for the development of infection.

Given that most often the infection in the eye is taken from the outside (unwashed hands), it is understandable why in women barley on the eye appears more often than men. Women are more concerned with the eyes (when applying makeup), which increases the risk of accidental infection. In addition, the use of substandard cosmetics can cause irritation, which also contributes to the occurrence of inflammation.

In rare cases, the cause of the appearance of barley can serve as a demodex mite.

Symptoms and course of the disease

The appearance and development of barley is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Itching, burning in the eyelids, a feeling of dryness in the eye, discomfort when blinking. If you start taking action when the first symptoms appear, then barley may not develop.
  2. Appearance of redness and soreness. With pressure on the eyelid, pain can be worse.
  3. Appearance of pronounced painful swelling.
  4. Increased lacrimation and development of conjunctivitis. These symptoms are not always observed, only in the case of an extensive inflammatory process.
  5. Appearance on the eyelid of an abscess with a pronounced purulent head.
  6. Increased lymph nodes and fever. Also, rare enough symptoms are observed in severe cases, when barley develops against the background of other (cold or inflammatory) diseases.
  7. During the period from three days to a week after the appearance of the abscess, it is usually opened, and pus comes out.

Treatment of barley

In most cases, the disease goes by itself within a week, without any intervention. To ease the condition and accelerate recovery, the following measures can be taken:

In no case should you squeeze out an abscess. It is necessary to wait until it ripens and opens itself. In the event that during the week this did not happen, there is an increase in swelling and its tightening, increasing pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In addition, a patient with barley should use a separate towel, since although barley itself is not contagious, the staphylococcal infection that causes it is extremely easily transmitted.