Erespal's analogue is syrup for children

In pediatric practice the syrup for children Erespal is popular. It is prescribed for various diseases, for example, bronchial asthma, otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pertussis, as well as other ailments accompanied by coughing. In the majority of reviews about this drug are positive, not satisfied with many only one thing - the price of syrup. Therefore, the question of which analogues of syrup for children Erespal is cheaper, is relevant for many.

Some analogues of Erespal

  1. Sireps. Polish orange syrup has a pleasant taste. It is used to treat small patients older than two years and adults. The main active substance of Syreps is the same as that of Erespal - it is fenspiride hydrochloride. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, cleanses the bronchi and relieves the child of breath-making viscous sputum. According to the instruction, this analog of the syrup for children Eraspal, has side effects. However, they appear extremely rarely, mainly it is an allergic rash in overdose or too long treatment.
  2. Erispirus. If we talk about the analogues of Erespal syrup for children who are cheaper, it is worth noting a drug called Erispirus. He is often appointed as a worthy replacement for Erespal. Syrup removes bronchospasm and reduces the inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.
  3. BronchoMax. Almost identical in composition, syrup BronchoMax - won the trust of pediatricians and parents. This analogue of Eraspal syrup is not used to treat children under 2 years old. The pharmacological action of BronchoMax is aimed at eliminating the respiratory symptoms of ENT organs and upper respiratory tract diseases.
  4. Fosidal. The drug, similar in composition, it provides bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine action, respectively, helps to cope with the respiratory manifestations of bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, rhinopharyngitis and many other diseases.
  5. Inspiron. A worthy alternative to syrup Erespal is a drug called Inspiron. The spectrum of its action is similar, the effectiveness is proven. The drug has two forms of release - syrup and tablets, and just like other Erespal counterparts it is contraindicated in children under two years of age.