Types of roofs for a private home - the advantages and disadvantages of basic types and materials

There are different types of roofs for a private house, which have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. It is important to first think through the entire structure to take care of the necessary strengthening, thermal insulation and other important points. For coating, you can use different materials.

Types of roofs for a private house

There are several types of designs on the market that differ in their variety. When choosing, it is necessary to focus on the following parameters: the desired design, the right price, the durability and the absence of difficulties in mounting the structure. All types of roofs for a private house require a preliminary assessment to take into account the load on the rafters and foundation, and make the correct calculation necessary for building materials and roof assemblies.

Shed roof for home

The structure has one slope or ramp above the whole structure and under it it is impossible to equip the attic space and provide a full thermal insulation. The support is two walls. One-pitched roof for a private house has such advantages:

  1. Easy assembly and installation, so that work can be done without the help of specialists.
  2. During the operation it does not require special care, and if necessary, a quick repair can be carried out.
  3. Due to the absence of stressed elements, low wear is observed.
  4. Mounting this type of roof for a private house does not require a major investment.

Gable roof for home

This design includes two equal ramps, supported by two sides on the bearing walls, and on two other sides, the fastening is made in the ridge. Unlike the one-run, this option is more attractive and practical. The larger the area of ​​the house, the wider the angle of inclination and the size of the slopes. To understand which roof is best for a private home, let's take a look at the advantages of a two-stage view:

  1. You can equip the attic or attic.
  2. In the attic space, you can install a heating and ventilation system.
  3. The surface quickly and arbitrarily gets rid of snow and water.
  4. Mounting such types of roofs for a frequent home is easy and you do not need to use special technical solutions. Repair is also uncomplicated.

Hinged roof for home

This name is understood as a construction with four slopes, and those that are at the end have a triangular shape with equal sides, and the other two are a trapezium type. The tops are closed by the ridge, and on the sides are used inclined ribs - the hip. This form of roof for private houses has such advantages:

  1. The design is streamlined, so it can withstand even hurricane winds.
  2. You can mount large overhangs, which will protect the facades from precipitation. Surface warms evenly.
  3. When constructing, you can use different angles of the roof. It is allowed to place dormers in it.

As for the disadvantages, such types of roofs for a private house are difficult to install and carry out design calculations. During construction, during installation, there will be a lot of roofing waste. In addition, the end ramps slightly reduce the area of ​​the attic. Considering the presence of a large number of elements, the weight of the structure increases substantially, so the foundation must have increased strength.

Flat roof for home

This option is mostly used in regions where there is a small amount of precipitation. It is important to use reliable materials so that there are no leaks, and it is imperative to organize gutters. It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the insulation and waterproofing. Such a form of roofs for houses has such advantages:

  1. Reduced costs for the purchase of building materials.
  2. The installation process is very simple and carried out in a short time.
  3. Carrying out repairs and maintenance is not difficult.
  4. On a flat roof you can install different equipment, for example, air conditioners, solar panels and so on.
  5. From above you can organize an open terrace, a playground and a greenhouse.

Broken roofs for home

If there is a desire to rationally use your home and expand the space, then it is recommended to use a broken roof . The height of the attic room can reach up to 220 cm. The broken roof for a private house must have effective ventilation. It is important to use a practical material with a small specific gravity. Do this option, heat and waterproofing is very difficult. The main advantages include the following characteristics:

Roof for the house with an attic

Above the house, if desired, you can create another room, and the facade can be fully or partially formed by a roof. It is important that the ceiling height is at least 2.5 m, and it should occupy not less than 50% of the area of ​​the room. Different types of roofs for a private house with an attic have such advantages:

  1. Maximum rationality of using space under the roof. Here you can arrange an extra room.
  2. You can create an original interior inside the attic .
  3. Reduces heat loss through the roof.

All types of roofs for a private house have their shortcomings, and the attic is no exception. To a greater extent this concerns the complexity of the arrangement of the premises. To organize a room, you have to take care of the heat and waterproofing. A secure existence must be ensured. It is important to carefully design the project and think about the quality of ventilation.

Types of roofing for the roof of a private house

Many people mistakenly believe that almost all building materials can be used to cover the new building. When choosing, it is important to focus on several key factors and this applies to the field of application. If the building is not new, it is important to take care of the strength of the structure and the walls themselves. Cover for the roof of the house should be chosen taking into account the type of construction and coverage, weight, material capabilities, service life, resistance to stress and appearance.

Metal roof for home

This option is suitable for conventional roofs and sloping variants. For the roof uses zinc, copper, aluminum, stainless steel and so on. The material for the roof of the house has several advantages:

The metal roof has some disadvantages:

Cover for the roof of the house - flexible roofing

For the production of " soft roofing " a strong fiberglass is used and a layer of bitumen with additives is applied on it, due to which the surface becomes strong and well resists mechanical damages and UV effects. The quality of this roof depends on the amount of basalt or shale crumbs used. Selecting materials for the roof of a private house, it is important to take into account the advantages of each option and they have such flexible roofing:

This type of roof for a private house has some disadvantages that can not be ignored:

  1. If one plate is damaged, it will be necessary to replace the whole area of ​​the roof, since the process of natural adhesion occurs.
  2. Installation can not be carried out at sub-zero temperatures, since inefficiency of adhesion of the adhesive layer will be observed.
  3. Mandatory under the soft roof is a solid foundation of plywood, which has moisture-resistant properties, and it fits on the lath, which increases the cost of construction.

Ruberoid for the roof of the house

One of the popular roofing materials, and for its production the base of cardboard, fiberglass, polyester and other materials are impregnated with bitumen with additives. The surface can have a sprinkling, the amount of which depends on the price. To determine the best coverage for the roof of the house, the existing advantages should be taken into account:

All types of roofs for a private house have disadvantages and they have the following for a roofing material:

Decking for the roof of the house

This material is a thin layer of steel, aluminum or stainless steel. Recently, he enjoys great popularity. Profilist for the roof of the house has such advantages:

Such a roof for a single-story house or multi-storey buildings has also disadvantages:

Panels for the roof of the house

In many countries, for the construction of private houses used CIP ("sandwich") panels. They have a three-layer structure, in the center of which there are modern thermal insulation material, pressed on both sides by wood, metal, plastic or magnesite tiles. When figuring out how to choose a roof for a house, you should familiarize yourself with the existing advantages:

Such a roof for a wooden house or for another building has disadvantages: