Kinds of fire extinguishers and their application

In our full unexpectedness of life, one must be ready for anything. Including, and to know what types of fire extinguishers are and also know everything about their application, be able to use them.

Types of fire extinguishers

Classification of types of fire extinguishers and methods of their use is rather confusing, but if you read carefully, then you will understand everything very quickly.

1. Depending on the volume of the cylinder, the extinguishers are divided into:

2. From the way of supplying the contents to the outside, it is also possible to divide the fire extinguishers into groups. Content goes:

3. By type of launcher, which are:

4. For the substance contained within the cylinder:

Principles of work of fire extinguishers

Water extinguishers. This fire extinguisher is suitable for Class A fires - extinguishing of solid flammable substances. If a fire extinguisher has a note that special additives are included in the water, this fire extinguisher can also be used to extinguish liquid combustibles, this is already called a Class B fire. It should be immediately said that, in addition to the situations described above, it is not necessary to extinguish anything with water extinguishers , t. water can react with these objects. Water extinguishers are the most environmentally friendly and safe of all the types of extinguishers presented below.

Gas fire extinguishers. Quite a large group of fire extinguishers. These include:

Such fire extinguishers are produced both manual and mobile. The main thing you should know when using such manual extinguishers is that during its operation it is impossible to pick up the tube so as not to get frostbite. Fire extinguishers of these species can not extinguish such substances that can continue to burn and without access to oxygen (various alloys of magnesium, aluminum, sodium, etc.).

Foam extinguishers . Used to extinguish chemical and air mechanical fires. Foam fire extinguishers also cope with the beginning of fires of practically any solids, combustible and flammable liquids. It is strictly forbidden to use this type of fire extinguisher in the fight against fire on electrical installations and electrical networks that are under tension. If you extinguish alkali metals such as sodium and potassium with a foam fire extinguisher, then the reverse reaction will begin. The water available in the foam will release hydrogen, and it, as is known, increases the combustion.

Powder fire extinguishers. The most common type of fire extinguishers. With its help, you can safely extinguish fires of almost all classes. Including electrical equipment, which is under voltage up to 1000V. Exceptions are only alkaline and alkaline earth metals, plus all those metals that can burn without access to oxygen.

Self-extinguishing fire extinguishers

About this group of fire extinguishers I would like to say separately. As you can see from the name, in order for this fire extinguisher to start working, you do not need the man's effort. Self-extinguishing fire extinguishers are of two types:

Such fire extinguishers are used in many industrial areas, offices and warehouses. Also, their use can be combined with manual or mobile fire extinguishers.