Wireless Vacuum Cleaner

During cleaning, there is a constant need to turn the vacuum cleaner on again and again into a new outlet, because if your apartment has more than one room, then even the longest cable will not suffice. In addition, the wire constantly constantly getting under your feet and the vacuum cleaner's tube irritate and interfere with cleaning with comfort. Is there any alternative to all these negative aspects of harvesting?

Wireless Rechargeable Vacuum Cleaners

These very convenient modern units have long appeared on the domestic market of household appliances, but not everyone has in the house. For many of us the classic is closer and more familiar, and something new is perceived critically. So what is this miracle of technology, how does a wireless vacuum cleaner work and to whom it is useful as a home helper?

The principle of the wireless vacuum cleaner is based on the use of batteries, thanks to which the unit for some time can work without interruption without loss of power. This vacuum cleaner has a kind of base - a charger connected to the network, which is also a parking place.

There are two options for a wireless vacuum cleaner. The first is a robot vacuum cleaner , which has the shape of a washer only 5 cm thick, which allows it to penetrate without problems anywhere and does not require human intervention. This ideal of a vacuum cleaner after an hour and a half work itself returns to the place of charging. Of the minuses - a container for garbage it is small.

The second type is a model of vertical wireless vacuum cleaners , having a different design - some have a garbage container on the handle, while others have a brush moving on wheels. In our stores of home appliances are often found without the flechette models - a small reservoir from 0.5 to 2 liters easily pours into the trash can at the touch of a button.

How to choose a wireless vacuum cleaner?

In order not to miscalculate when choosing a home assistant, it is worth to carefully read its technical characteristics. Many models have a small capacity and are only suitable for cleaning a small area - crumbs under the table or wool of pets from the rug. But there are vacuum cleaners, which if not stand in line with the powerful classical wired models, they are inferior to them quite a bit. Most often, a vertical wireless model is chosen for daily small and fast cleaning in order to regularly maintain cleanliness. The battery capacity is sufficient for a maximum of 20 minutes, after which it takes three hours to charge.

Robots-vacuum cleaners are able to completely independently, from time to time recharging, keep the room clean. For this, only an even surface without thresholds and steps is required. Of course, for such a pleasure and pay a lot, but once spent on such a wireless vacuum cleaner, you definitely do not want to return to the heavy and clumsy classic models.

People who are allergic to dust should know that the filter of the robot cleaner is small and does not hold as much dust as the models with the aquafilter .

The rating of vertical wireless vacuum cleaners

  1. Dyson - the most popular vacuum cleaner, keeping the maximum amount of dust due to the cyclone function. This firm-manufacturer has proved itself in the best way, the build quality is excellent, the power is excellent, although the price "bites". The model has additional slot and upholstery nozzles.
  2. Hoover - the work of its battery lasts for 30 minutes, which is very indicative for such models. The vacuum cleaner stands well without support, although it has considerable weight, and it is charged without a base, like a mobile phone, which is very practical.
  3. Electrolux - has an excellent turbo brush, collecting wool, hair, threads and other debris. It has 2 speed modes, although there is not much difference between the two. The filter and the dust collector have a very convenient cleaning system.