Capybara cappuccine

Capybara or cappuccino is a herbivorous semi-aquatic mammal. Capybara translates as "lord of grass". The cappuccina belongs to the family of capillary, in general, it is also its only representative. The animal capybar is the largest rodent in the world.

Appearance of capybara

The adult capybara reaches a length of more than 1 m and a height of about 60 cm. The female capybara weighs 35-65 kg, males 30-60 kg. The appearance of the rodent resembles a guinea pig with a very large head. The body is covered with a hard coat of reddish-brown or grayish color. In nature there are even white capybaras. Their main instrument of protection and production of feed is 20 teeth, which grow throughout life. Despite its formidable appearance, capybara are considered benevolent animals with phlegmatic disposition.

The cappuccion lives on the shores of the basins of Central and South America, from Panama to Uruguay and Buenos Aires.

The content of capybar at home

Capybara can be found in the home. They quickly get used to the person, allow to iron themselves, fall asleep on their knees, even give in to uncomplicated training. These rodents are clean.

Capybara is veggie. They feed on fruits and tubers, eat hay and grass, water plants. At home, most often, capybaras feed on pellets and fish, like fruits and vegetables.

Do you need a home capybara - a controversial issue. Firstly, the capybara pig is a large animal and it is almost impossible to keep it in an ordinary apartment. It is difficult to keep this animal in a private house. Swine will need a pool with water, where she will spend part of her time. Animals can not be kept in a cage, they need to be walked on a leash. In some cases, they may be aggressive, although their temper is meek. It must be remembered that the cappuccinos are rodents in their essence, that is, most likely, they will have to sacrifice some furniture to make the pet comfortable. Male is better to castrate, otherwise they can start taking care of the owner. And a couple for breeding will be difficult to pick up. If all this does not bother you, then capybara as a pet has a place to be. It's possible to tame and educate him.

Those who still want to have a rodent in the house, even if not the largest in the world, one can get a miniature version of capybar, which is sometimes even regarded as a separate kind of waterfowl.