Duck soup - recipes

Domestic duck meat is a wonderful product not only for preparing festive menu dishes, but also for everyday, including soups. Filled duck soups are especially good and even useful in winter in a cold climate.

Here are a few recipes of simple soup from a duck.

Of course, it's best to choose fresh chilled duck meat, although it's also fresh frozen. The most delicious ducks are young, 3-4 months old.

Very tasty pea soup with duck - recipe



Soak peas for at least 3 hours in boiling water, then rinse and cook in a sauté pan until soft (but not to mashed potatoes).

Duck meat, cut into short strips, poured into a saucepan with 1.5 liters of water, after boiling, reduce fire and cook for 10 minutes, collecting fat and noise. The first broth is too fatty, it is drained (go to feed animals), again pour the meat with water and boil in a saucepan until ready with a whole bulb and sliced ​​carrot. Also add spices to the broth. The bulb is thrown away, in the pot with broth we put the desired amount of ready-mixed peas. We pour soup into cups or plates, put a slice of lemon in each, season with chopped herbs and garlic. You can sprinkle with grated cheese.

Duck soup with noodles - recipe in Pan-Asian style



We cut ducklings in short strips or small oblong pieces, sweet peppers and onions - with short straws. Cooking in a saucepan. Well warm up Sesame oil and fry duck meat with onion and pepper. Frying pan is often shaken. Pour brandy, soy sauce and 250 ml of boiling water per serving. We cook for 15-20 minutes at the lowest heat. We close the soup with a lid.

Cook the noodles in boiling water (5-12 minutes, as usual) and throw it back in a colander.

We put the necessary portion of noodles into a soup cup and pour it with cooked hot soup. Season with hot red pepper, chopped celery and garlic. Also add lemon juice and / or lime juice.