Vaginal rupture

Many women who prepare themselves for childbirth are most afraid of not even birth pains and the very process of giving birth. They have the greatest fear of possible vaginal rupture. And this is reasonable, because during the appearance of the baby, it stretches like never before. Because microdamages are absolutely in everyone. Another matter - their intensity, the need for suturing, the speed of healing, the formation of a hard scar tissue.

Vaginal tears: how much pain?

During the operation for obstetric care, even if a woman is not given pain medication, a ruptured vaginal mucosa does not cause acute pain. Another thing is damage in the perineum. To ease the pain and speed up the birth process , the obstetrician can make incisions. They will later be stitched, which are removed for 5-6 days.


If the vagina breaks during sexual intercourse or childbirth, the symptoms will be as follows: a sharp pain that changes into a aching, a bleeding of medium and strong severity, and fetid discharge is also possible. If any of this is accompanied by sexual intercourse, you need to see a doctor. The most common treatment is to take antibiotics and douching.

How is recovery after vaginal rupture during childbirth?

If a woman has a vaginal rupture after childbirth, then within a few months everything comes back to normal on her own. Most often, if the lesions are minor, doctors do not even apply stitches. But if there are tears or an artificial cut of the perineum, the sensations will be unpleasant.

The process of recovery depends on the degree of rupture (dissection) of the vagina. At the third degree, the most pronounced, painful sensations are inevitable, but not very pronounced. To go it is resolved already next day after sorts, to sit - somewhere in a week.

Possible complications

The rupture of the back wall of the vagina with the need for suturing can cause an inflammatory process, which is treated with douching and antibiotic drugs. If there is a possibility of scar deformation, the doctor prescribes treatment appropriate to the situation. Surgical intervention is extremely rare.

Possible reasons

Causes that can cause a vaginal rupture or aggravate the situation are several:

Prevention of gaps in the perineum and vagina

To reduce the likelihood of ruptures and the need for cuts, future moms are recommended to perform special Kegel exercises , perineal massage with oils.