The law of negation of negation

Surely you are familiar with the expression "history is moving in a spiral". This statement is based on the law of double negation, which was formulated back in antiquity. True, this applies only to logic, philosophers began to use the concept of double negation much later, and most of all he was interested in Hegel. All the other philosophers, it was his reasoning that was used as the basis. For example, Marx agreed with the basic idea, but believed that Hegel viewed the problem in an ideal world, whereas we live in the material world. Therefore, in formulating his theory, Marx dealt with the liberation of Hegel's philosophy from mysticism and other, from his point of view, incorrect judgments.

The law of double negation in logic

The first mention of this law is associated with the names of Gorgias and Zeno of Epeus, who were ancient Greek philosophers. They believed that if the negation of any statement causes contradictions, then the very statement is true. Thus, this logical law allows not to take into account double negation. Examples of the law of denial of negation in conversation can be such verbal turns as "I can not help saying", "not enough distrust", "there is no shortage", "I do not find it wrong", etc. These phrases look rather cumbersome, and therefore are used usually with formal communication. But in practice, the work of the law is much more revealing, for example, detective stories, so beloved by many, can become an example. How do investigators act in a situation where there is no evidence of the suspect's guilt? They say that there is no evidence of his innocence. So double negation helps to solve many logical problems, but it is worth crossing the line of this science, where everything is strictly rational, as practical application fades into the background.

The law of negation of negation in philosophy

Dialectical negation of Hegel implies the realization of an internal contradiction, which is formed in the process of any development, which is a movement from the abstract to the concrete. The emerging contradiction helps the abstract concept to go beyond, at that moment the first negation occurs. After that, the concept returns, as if to the starting point, but already more enriched, that is, the moment of the second negation comes. The returned, concrete concept contains the initial position and the removed, ideal moment of the opposite. Hegel believed that the concept develops cyclically, and Lenin clearly expressed it in the form of a spiral, showing the return of the concept to the starting position, but already at a higher level. An example is the idea of ​​a family: in childhood we consider it to be the most important part of life, with a teenage age there comes a period of doubt, later we return to our childhood beliefs, but now they are supplemented by experiences and experiences received at the time of contradictions.

But the very law of denial of negation appeared in philosophy thanks to Marx, who was reworking Hegel's dialectic. On the basis of Hegel's works, Marx developed three laws, but it was the rule of double negation, revised from a materialistic point of view, which caused the greatest controversy. Some followers of Marxist philosophy believed that this law can work only on thinking, the process of acquiring concrete forms. Since the opinion that reality is subject to this law raises a number of questions. The rule of double negation will be valid for cyclically developing phenomena , which are characteristic of social reality, and not natural. Thus, the question of the law of negating negation is still open and of interest to researchers.