How to love yourself a woman?

It is important for every woman to know how to love herself, because a girl who does not value herself and can not be proud of herself is unlikely to find a partner who respects her, build a career and even build normal strong relationships with her own children.

What does it mean to love yourself for a woman?

Psychologists often tell us that the most important thing is to live in harmony with yourself, otherwise, a person will be guided by someone else's opinion, building his life, and can not become truly happy. Psychology gives an answer to the question of how to fall in love with a woman, experts say that it is necessary to do the following:

  1. Create a list of your own merits and constantly keep it in sight. So the girl will be able to concentrate on her own merits, rather than shortcomings, imaginary or real.
  2. Constantly making yourself small gifts, not necessarily expensive, the essence of this action is always to remember that you deserve a reward only for what you are, not for some achievements.
  3. Try to rethink which events in your life made you start to feel shy of yourself. This item is rather difficult to perform on your own, so if possible, contact a specialist. Well, in the event that you can not find a good psychologist or attend a training session, you can discuss this with a loved one, for example, a friend. Of course, this is not the same as getting a professional consultation, but it is quite possible to achieve the effect.
  4. Be sure to read books for women about how to love yourself, good reviews were awarded to the following works - E. Mikhailov "I'm in my own", M. Litvak "If you want to be happy," S. Mamontov "The art of being selfish," G. Moore "Love yourself for yourself."

Another question that worries many men is how to make a woman love themselves. Often it is this issue that psychologists turn to guys who do not want to endure the attacks of jealousy of their girlfriend, who constantly does not trust him because of self-doubt. If the girl herself does not want to change the situation, there is only one thing, constantly telling her compliments, trying to make pleasant surprises and convincing her every day that she is beautiful the way she is. More, unfortunately, a man without the assistance of the girl herself can not do, but even these simple actions will help to improve the situation for the better.