How to kill fear in yourself?

Every person in his life was afraid and knows perfectly well how this chilling feeling prevents you from thinking logically at the moment of danger and taking the right decisions that are so necessary in a crisis situation, quick and at the same time. Naturally, a sense of fear is designed to protect us from various threats, but there are times when it is vital to overcome it and therefore we all need to own some psychological techniques and certain information in order to understand how to kill in oneself fear, which is called "in peacetime" .

Defeat the Dragon

There are many ways to help deal with this "dragon", ranging from meditation and breath control, to extremely radical methods that force a person to deliberately sink into an environment as close as possible to a possible real threat. The latter is usually used in the training of servicemen and law enforcement personnel.

But, of course, there is also the so-called express method, which allows to understand how to kill fear, directly at the moment of danger. First of all you need to turn off the mind. It is clear that to do this when you have a cold sweat on your skin and your heart is pounding as if you ran a marathon is incredibly difficult. The first thing to do is to divert your attention. Try to concentrate on some small detail, for example on a crack in the wall or on the pattern of your shirt. A couple of seconds think only about the shape and color of the "object" you have chosen. Consider it in detail. You will be surprised, but usually it works, so when you return to the "nightmare" in a few moments, you will find that you are able to soberly assess the situation.

Another way to disable the feeling of fear is to abstract. Imagine that you are looking at everything from above or from the outside, and that a person dying now with horror is not you, but some other person temporarily residing in your body. You, being in complete safety in disembodied form, can look at what is happening with the peace of the Buddha and even see a way out of the current situation. As soon as you understand what needs to be done, "return to the body" and take the reins of government into your own hands. Getting rid of fear is really not so difficult, you just have to look into his eyes. After that, the mind becomes cold, the pulse is normal, and thoughts are extremely clear.

Than to fight?

But what if the fear haunts you even when there is no threat? How to get rid of obsessive fears in psychology written whole treatises. In the first stages, if the phobia has not yet developed into a neurotic paranoia, it is quite possible to cope with this misfortune on its own. Try to disassemble your fear of "screws and screws." And it does not matter whether it's about fear of drowning, or about how hooligans can lie around you at every corner. Answer the question: what exactly are you afraid of? How real is the threat? What can you oppose on your part? If you were offered a choice of weapons for self-defense, what would you choose? And for an attack? In what position of the body is it better to use it? Scroll through the head several options for "battle." You see, you are already considering a counter-attack plan, and so have already turned to the "enemy" face and fear is gradually creeping away, giving way to constructive thoughts. Very soon you will see that the danger is probably mythical and even if it ever grows into a real threat, you will be so prepared for it that you will deal with all the "monsters" without batting an eyelid.

If you can not solve the problem yourself, then contact a qualified specialist and he will select for you an individual method that will help you understand how to get rid of internal fears. Good results are brought by hypnotherapy, and in some cases it works method "wedge wedge", that is, you deliberately and repeatedly will be immersed in exactly the situation that causes you unaccountable horror and the fear of which so prevents you from living. Soon your "nightmare" will cease to frighten you, gradually you will get comfortable in it and looking back, with surprise you will try to remember what you were so afraid of?

The psychology of how to get rid of fear is multifaceted. And it really can help, but only if you want it and make the first step. Further, as they say, the matter of technology and after a while your fears will start to fear you.