How to get away from bad thoughts?

Each of us in life there are situations where negative emotions and sad thoughts overcome, which further exacerbate an already bad mood. It is in this situation that the question arises of how to get distracted from bad thoughts and return to normal life. Psychologists advise to begin to comprehend and analyze the situation, to understand what exactly led to today's situation.

How to distract from sad thoughts?

The problem of negative emotional state, as a rule, has clear reasons, which we unconsciously push away from ourselves. Most often they are caused by fear, anxiety, uncertainty in the future, these feelings form a protracted stress. How to get distracted from these negative thoughts and worries, because once you let in fear, get rid of it is very difficult.

When asked how to escape from obsessive thoughts, experts advise:

  1. If a person experiences constant fear and anxiety, it is necessary to imagine a situation in which all his fears have come to pass. We must ask ourselves the question: "What will happen if my fear comes true?" In most cases, it helps to realize that life does not end there. For example, a person is afraid of being fired, imagined that this had already happened, and his thoughts turned towards solving the problem, that is, seeking a new job or an alternative income.
  2. Revaluation of values ​​is an important stage in the fight against bad thoughts. It is enough just to calm down and write in descending order all life values ​​and priorities. Put aside for an hour or two, and then again look at this list. And it turns out that the health of loved ones is more important than losing a job, the happiness of a child is more important than a love disappointment.

How to get away from bad thoughts - advice of psychologists

Practical advice, how to distract from the sad thoughts that psychologists offer:

  1. We must learn to be distracted. In this matter hobbies and hobbies are good.
  2. Do exercise. Some psychologists advise when they start to overcome bad thoughts, maximally strain your body - sit-ups, push-ups, jogging. When the muscles are working at the limit, emotions recede.
  3. Punishment for sadness. A simple exercise is to put a rubber band on your hand and with any bad thought pull it back and click on the hand, and not lightly, but tangibly. The brain reacts sharply to pain, each time receiving a pain signal with sad thoughts, it will avoid them.

The situation that seems to us deadlock, always has a solution. You just need to make an effort and start acting.