Recipe of lasagna with minced meat at home

The whole classic of Italian cuisine has long been a part of the world's cooking, and therefore it was repeatedly subjected to all sorts of modifications. The same fate was not circumvented by lasagna. A puff pasty from pasta and meat and cheese was supplemented with vegetables and a variety of sauces. New recipes for lasagna with minced meat at home will be discussed later.

Lasagne with minced meat and mushrooms



Before cooking lasagna with minced meat, minced meat should be browned in an abundance of butter. When the pieces catch a blush, season them, add garlic and a mixture of traditional Italian herbs. Pour the mince with tomato sauce and leave the latter to reach a boil.

Mushrooms divide into plates and fry separately. Alternately lay layers of sheets of pasta and minced meat with mushrooms in the chosen form. In the middle, sprinkle half a cheese dish, cover the top half with the remaining half. Bake a dish for about half an hour at 190 degrees. Cut lasagna only after cooling, otherwise it will turn into a mess on the plate.

A simple recipe of lasagna with minced meat and béchamel sauce

Béchamel is a classic French sauce that has long established its position in most lasagna recipes. We will add this Italian accent by preparing the sauce with the addition of ricotta.


For lasagna:

For béchamel sauce:


Together with chopped onions, fry and minced meat until browned. Pour the tomato sauce and leave everything boomed for 15 minutes. Season, add the sauce with ground basil.

The second component of lasagna is beshamel. For him, fry the flour on the melted butter, then dilute the resulting paste with milk and add the cheese. After boiling the milk, wait for the sauce to thicken.

In layers, put the sauces and pasta in a mold, sprinkle with grated cheeses and send to the oven. Preparation of lasagne at home with minced meat will take about an hour at 190 degrees.