How to teach a wavy parrot to talk?

The budgerigar is the most popular of the domestic parrots. As noted, you can only teach to talk with a hand-bird - and a wavy parrot is no exception. The bird that has become accustomed to you will listen to everything you say to it, much more carefully.

Do wavy parrots?

Among parrots, wavy is not as talented as, for example, a speaker. However, you can teach him how to talk. With constant and patient training, the wavy parrot speaks no worse than its relatives-imitators.

These parrots can remember about 600 words and individual phrases. A wavy parrot easily speaks the names of its owners and its own name, it learns to say greetings or make a request. However, the wavy parrot not only says: he also likes to sing songs, and some of them - to recite poems.

Among the budgies, the most capable will be one who was born weak, and who had to be taken care of additionally, feeding him and warming him. Such a wavy parrot speaks and learns much easier and faster than its healthy little brothers and sisters.

When you have this bird at home, watch your speech, as sometimes it is not necessary to teach an undulating parrot: there are times when he memorizes words and phrases without any effort, having heard them only once.

Do the females of wavy parrots?

The female of a wavy parrot, just like a male, can be taught to speak. With active classes at a young age, any parrot can become a speaker.

When wavy parrots start talking?

As a rule, its first word wavy parrot says two or three months after the start of training.

How to teach a wavy parrot?

As noted, it is much easier to teach to talk a young undulating parrot (and any other parrot in general) than an adult. Therefore, the most successful age for starting parakeet training is 35 days, when it leaves its nest for the first time.

Before you begin to teach a wavy parrot to talk, prepare for the lessons with your pet a separate room in which it will not be distracted by any extraneous sounds.

It is necessary to engage with a parakeet every day, and at the same time, but only for 5-10 minutes, no more. Take care that your pet is not overtired, otherwise it will not talk with you.

Also, make sure that the parrot's listening to you carefully and carefully while practicing. If you notice that he is distracted, stop training. It is possible that at the moment your pet wants to do something different.

You have to constantly engage with a talking parrot, otherwise he will forget what he has already learned. Most of all the difficulties will be with the study of the first word, then memorization will go easier.

In the first classes, to make it easier for your student to understand you, speak with him in his language. What does it mean? Simulate the singing of birds: pronounce all the vowels very slowly, place a strong accent on the stresses of the words, clearly pronounce the consonants, especially brave the letter "P" - it should sound at you rolling and juicy. Your parrot should understand that a person's speech is a very interesting and original song.

Your parrot will greatly facilitate learning by learning certain sounds. And it will help you to understand which of the sounds are given to him easily, and with which it is harder to cope. Parrots are very fond of playing with sounds, so this training is for them a real pleasure!

Do not start right away with difficult words or long phrases! Start with the most simple words. Try to remember with which intonation you are pronouncing this or that word, and try not to change this intonation at least at the very beginning of the training - wait until your parrot does not repeat with certainty even one word. If you suddenly change the intonation with which your parrot has just started to master, you confuse it and put the bird to a standstill - thereby slowing the learning process. Go to the next word only when the parrot knows the previous one well.

Your speech should be very emotional, and your articulation is impeccable. Be sure to change the voice intonation! In order for your parrot to learn to pronounce the words clearly, you must pronounce them before him with exaggerated clarity, since parrots with amazing accuracy copy not just a word, but every sound of it.

To make it easier for the parrot to memorize words, try to pronounce them to the place. For example, when coming home, say "Hello!" Or "Hello!" Words and short parrot phrases will be better remembered when you contact them. But in memorizing long sentences or texts, the use of a tape recorder will help him more.

After classes, if your parrot has correctly pronounced the word or sung the motive given to him, reward him with some kind of delicacy.

The parrot needs to be affectionate all the time, and not just during classes - as to teach to talk wavy (and any other) parrot is possible only if there is emotional contact between the bird and the person. And the number of words and phrases that your pet will remember will depend only on how much effort, time and patience you give to the training of the bird.