International Soup Day

An unusual holiday - World Soup Day - is annually celebrated around the world on April 5. Not many people know about it and even more note, and in fact the day of soup is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the best inventions of cooking with the family. Let's find out what it means for modern people such a dish as soup, and why such a holiday was needed.

history of the holiday

The very word "soup" came from the French "soupe", and it, in turn, from the Latin "suppa", which meant a hearty dish of bread soaked in broth or broth. Such soups were prepared in the I century BC, in ancient China and Sparta. Later this nourishing and useful dish spread all over the world, and many of its various recipes were invented. Modern types of soups differ significantly in terms of the number of ingredients, the set of products and even the consistency. This is not necessarily liquid soup - it can be very thick and nutritious, like, for example, German aintopf or Finnish soup calakeutto. It all depends on the traditions of the people who invented this recipe. And the most unusual are, perhaps, the Japanese soup from noodles and chocolate, the Caribbean - from the iguana and the African - from coffee, bananas and dirt from the foot of Kilimanjaro.

And not so long ago the International Soup Day became an official holiday. The purpose of its creation was to make people aware of the importance of this dish for health. And really, soups are very useful. First of all, they have a beneficial effect on the digestive system of the body, stimulating the production of enzymes and gastric juice. Soup is a wonderful prevention of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and even cancer diseases. In addition, soups also have a general strengthening effect. Not in vain even for colds doctors long been prescribed sick chicken broth.

How to celebrate the world soup day?

As a rule, this holiday is celebrated with a feast, which is traditional for our country. At the same time, the main dish on the table will, of course, be soup. But not ordinary, which you cook on weekdays and weekends, but cooked according to a special recipe. It can be an exquisite French bouillabaisse or vichisoise, a spicy Andalusian gazpacho , a fragrant Vietnamese fau, a rich Magyar goulash, a rich Danish pea soup with smoked meats, a Ukrainian borsch with pampushkas and garlic, etc. Surprise your family with an unusual and at the same time simple dish!