Beef liver pate - recipe

Beef liver is a very useful and protein-rich product, which contains various vitamins and trace elements. From it you can cook many different dishes. We suggest you make a delicious and hearty pate, which will be an ornament of any table.

Homemade pate from beef liver



To prepare pate from beef liver carrots are cleaned, cut into small pieces, chop the onions. Then we pass the vegetables on vegetable oil to golden color. Liver shred in small pieces and fry for about 3 minutes in a separate frying pan. Eggs boil hard boiled, clean, take out the yolks, cut them into 2 parts and add them to the plate. Add here the cooked vegetables, liver and whisk all blender.

Now cut the cubes with oil, add a little salt, and combine together with the pate, whisking well until homogeneity. After that, we take a plastic container, lay out half of the liver pate from the beef liver, then cover it with thin slices of oil, put the pate again and put it on the refrigerator for several hours.

Baked pate from beef liver



Let's consider one more variant, how to prepare a pate from beef liver. So, the liver is washed, cleaned of veins and films, cut into pieces. Shredded onion and garlic wesser until soft on vegetable oil. In a blender, grind the liver thoroughly with peeled boiled eggs, soaked in water and squeezed out with bread and cream. Add the onions with garlic to the resulting mass, put salt, pepper to taste, pour gin and whisk until smooth.

In a greased with vegetable oil form, gently pour the contents of the blender and bake a delicious pate of beef liver in a water bath for 1.5 hours at 185 degrees. Then turn off the oven and leave the mold there until it cools down completely. Cool the frozen pate for the night in the refrigerator, to ripen.

Pate from boiled beef liver



The liver is boiled in salted boiling water for 10 minutes. Peel the onion and chop it in vegetable oil. Now twist through the meat grinder liver, peeled garlic, smoked bacon and fried onions. Add all the remaining ingredients to the stuffing, except the fat. The form is lubricated with vegetable oil, we spread to the bottom pieces of fat, then twisted mass, covered with parchment paper and bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees. Ready pate is cooled and cut into pieces.

Beef liver pate with potatoes



All products except garlic, clean, cut into large pieces, put into a pan, pour water and set for half an hour to cook. We bring to a boil, the fire is reduced to a minimum. At the end of time, remove the pan from the plate, take out the liver and potatoes, lightly cool and grind along with the fat in the food processor. Then we shift the mass into a large container, squeeze out a couple of cloves of garlic, mix and spread it into a vegetable pate with a liver of capacity.